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属天的奥秘 第7153节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7153

7153. And the tale of bricks ye shall give. That this signifies the falsities which were to be injected in abundance, is evident from what was said above (n. 7116), where are the like words. These then are the things contained in these verses in the internal sense, and which to men may perhaps appear as of but little moment, and also disconnected; nevertheless they are each of them essential to the subject treated of, and cohere most beautifully. That this is so is perceived by the angels, for they see the series and connection of things in the light of heaven, together with countless secret things that are shaped from interior truths, giving rise to a form that is most beautiful and pleasing; which cannot possibly be done by man, because interior truths have been hidden from him, and consequently he cannot connect them together; but they appear to him disconnected, and therefore, as just said, of little moment.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7153

7153. 'And you shall deliver the tally of bricks' means the falsities which are to be introduced in abundance. This is clear from what has been stated above in 7116, where similar words occur. Such then are the [arcana] which these verses contain in the internal sense, things which perhaps seem to man to be of little importance and also unconnected with one another. Nevertheless each one is essential to the subject that is being dealt with; and all hang together in a very beautiful way. Angels perceive this to be true, for they see in the light of heaven the ways in which things follow one another and are linked together, and they see countless arcana formed out of interior truths, which gives those things a very beautiful and very lovely appearance. Man cannot do the same thing at all because interior truths are hidden from him. Nor therefore can he connect together the details contained in these verses; it seems to him as though they are disjointed, which is why, as has been stated, they seem to him to be of little importance.

Latin(1748-1756) 7153

7153. `Et demensum laterum dabitis': quod significet falsa quae copia injicienda, constat ex illis quae supra n. 7116 dicta sunt, ubi similia. Haec nunc sunt quae in his versibus in sensu interno continentur, quae coram homine apparent forte sicut parvi momenti, {1}et quoque sicut sparsa; sed usque singula sunt essentialia rei de qua agitur, et pulcherrime cohaerentia; quod ita sit, percipiunt angeli, nam illi vident rerum series et nexus in luce caeli, cum innumerabilibus arcanis {2}conformatis ex interioribus veris, inde forma rerum pulcherrima et amoenissima; quod nequicquam ab homine fieri potest, quia interiora vera illi abscondita sunt, inde nec connectere {3}illa potest, sed ei apparet ut sparsum, et inde, ut dictum, sicut parvi momenti. @1 ut et$ @2 et implet illa$ @3 aliquid$

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