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属天的奥秘 第7246节




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Potts(1905-1910) 7246

7246. ON THE INHABITANTS AND SPIRITS OF THE PLANET VENUS. In the planet Venus there are two kinds of men, of contrary disposition, one kind savage and almost like wild beasts, and the other gentle and humane. They who are savage and almost like wild beasts appear on the side of the planet looking our way; but they who are gentle and humane, on the opposite side. Be it known, however, that they so appear according to the states of their life, for the state of life makes all the appearance of place and space.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7246


On the planet Venus there are two kinds of people which are of an opposite nature to each other. There are those people who are savage and almost bestial, and there are those who are gentle and humane. Those who are savage and almost bestial appear on the side of the planet that looks in this direction; but those who are gentle and humane appear on the opposite side. It should be recognized however that they appear in these different positions, each according to the state of his life; for the state of life is what determines any appearance of direction or distance.

Latin(1748-1756) 7246

7246. In planeta Veneris sunt duo hominum genera indole sibi contraria; sunt qui immites et paene ferini, et sunt qui mites et humani; qui immites sunt et paene ferini apparent a parte planetae huc spectante; qui autem mites et humani sunt apparent a parte opposita. At sciendum quod ita appareant secundum status vitae eorum, nam status vitae sistit omnem apparentiam loci et spatii {1}. @1 i, ita quod tales non sint qui ab hac et ab illa parte illius telluris, modo differentiae status vitae eorum tales sint$

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