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属天的奥秘 第7245节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7245

7245. Behold, I am uncircumcised in lips. That this signifies that it is impure, namely, the law Divine to those who are in falsities, and that and how shall Pharaoh hear me, signifies that thus they who are in falsities will not receive, is evident from what was said above (n. 7224, 7225), where are the same words. Moses calling himself "uncircumcised in lips," in the internal sense signifies that the law Divine appears impure to those who are in falsities (according to what was shown above, n. 7225); but in the historic sense, in which Moses as the head represents the posterity from Jacob, and that which is of the church with them (as above, n. 7041), "uncircumcised in lips" signifies that the Divine worship with that nation was such. For the worship with that nation was impure, because they worshiped external things, and utterly rejected internal ones, which are faith and charity; nay, they spat out the very knowledges of internal things, just as they did all those things which the rituals signified and represented. And as they were of this nature, their worship was impure, for they worshiped Jehovah from the love of self and the love of the world, but not from love to Him and from love toward the neighbor. In the historic sense, this worship is signified by Moses calling himself "uncircumcised in lips," but in the internal sense the signification has been unfolded above (n. 7225).

Elliott(1983-1999) 7245

7245. 'behold, I am uncircumcised in the lips' means that it is impure, that is to say, the law of God is impure to those who are steeped in falsities.

7245a 'And how will Pharaoh hear me?' means that for that reason those steeped in falsities are not going to accept it. This is clear from what was stated above in 7224 and 7225, where the same words occur. When Moses says that he is 'uncircumcised in the lips' the meaning in the internal sense, according to what has been shown in 7225, is that the law of God is seen to be impure by those steeped in falsities. In the historical sense however, in which Moses as the head stands for the descendants of Jacob and whatever there is of the Church among them, as shown above in 7041, 'uncircumcised in the lips' means that Divine worship among that nation was of such a nature. For the worship among that nation was impure, since they venerated outward things and totally rejected inner values, which are faith and charity. Indeed they spurned any actual recognition of inner realities, such as all those which religious observances served to mean and represent. And because that nation was like this their worship was impure; for they were led to worship Jehovah by self-love and love of the world, not by love to Him and love towards the neighbour. This impure worship is meant in the historical sense when Moses says that he is 'uncircumcised in the lips'; but the meaning in the internal sense is as explained above in 7225.

Latin(1748-1756) 7245

7245. `Ecce ego praeputiatus labiis': quod significet quod impura, nempe lex Divina, illis qui in falsis.

7245a. `Et quomodo audiet ad me Pharao?': quod significet quod sic non recepturi qui in falsis, constat ex illis quae supra n. 7224 et 7225 dicta sunt, ubi eadem verba. Quod Moscheh se dicat praeputiatum labiis, in sensu interno significat quod lex Divina impura appareat illis qui in falsis, secundum illa quae n. 7225 ostensa sunt; in sensu autem historico, in quo Moscheh ut caput refert posteritatem ex Jacobo ac id quod est Ecclesiae apud illos, ut supra n. 7041; `praeputiatus labiis' significat quod cultus Divinus apud gentem illam talis esset; erat enim cultus apud illam gentem {1} impurus, nam externa colebant ac interna prorsus rejiciebant, quae {2}sunt fides et charitas; immo ipsas cognitiones rerum internarum respuebant sicut omnia illa quae ritualia significabant (c)et repraesentabant; et quia tales erant, cultus erat impurus, colebant enim Jehovam ex amore sui et amore mundi, non autem ex amore in Ipsum et ex amore erga proximum; hic cultus in sensu historico significatur per quod `Moscheh se dicat praeputiatum labiis,' at in sensu interno significatur prout explicatum est supra n. 7225. @1 i prorsus$ @2 erant$ De Incolis et Spiritibus Planetae Veneris

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