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属天的奥秘 第7259节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7259

7259. As the doctrine of charity was so ample, the ancients, with whom the doctrine of charity was the very doctrine of the church, distinguished charity toward the neighbor into many classes, which they also subdivided, and gave a name to each class, and taught how charity was to be exercised toward those who are in one class, and how toward those in another; and in this way they reduced the doctrine of charity into order, and also the exercises of charity, that these might fall distinctly under the view of the understanding.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7259

7259. Since their teachings about charity were so extensive the ancients, among whom teachings about charity were the teachings of the Church, distinguished charity towards the neighbour into a large number of separate classes. They also subdivided these, giving a name to each individual class, and teaching the ways in which charity should be exercised towards those belonging to one class or towards those belonging to another. By doing this they brought order to their teachings about charity and the ways in which it should be exercised, so that these matters would be clearly understood.

Latin(1748-1756) 7259

7259. Quia tam ampla fuit doctrina charitatis, antiqui, apud quos doctrina charitatis {2}fuit ipsa doctrina Ecclesiae, distinguebant charitatem erga proximum in plures classes quas etiam subdividebant, et singulis classibus indebant nomina, et docebant quomodo charitas exercenda esset erga illos qui in una classe et quomodo erga illos qui in altera; et sic redigebant doctrinam charitatis in ordinem, et exercitia charitatis ut (t)distincte caderent sub intellectum.

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