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属天的奥秘 第7320节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7320

7320. And the Egyptians shall labor to drink waters from the river. That this signifies that they would desire to know scarcely anything about it, is evident from the signification of "the Egyptians," as being those who falsify truths; and from the signification of "drinking," as being to be instructed in truths (see n. 3069, 3772, 4017, 4018), hence "to labor to drink" denotes not to desire to be instructed, thus to desire to know scarcely anything, that is, about truths; and from the signification of the "waters of the river," as being falsities (of which above, n. 7307), here falsified truths. From all this it is evident that by "the Egyptians laboring to drink waters from the river" is signified that they who are in falsities from fallacies desire to know scarcely anything about truths, thus that they have aversion for them. The cause of the aversion is that the truths which are perverted by falsities, still fight secretly and silently, and labor to shake off the falsities, and thus cause annoyance; for if the falsities are removed a little, together with their faith, truths condemn.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7320

7320. 'And the Egyptians will find it difficult to drink water from the river' means so that they would wish to know as little as possible about it. This is clear from the meaning of 'the Egyptians' as those who falsify truths; from the meaning of 'drinking' as receiving instruction in truths, dealt with in 3069, 3772, 4017, 4018, so that 'finding it difficult to drink' means wishing not to receive instruction, thus wishing to know as little as possible - about truths, that is; and from the meaning of 'the water of the river' as falsities, dealt with above in 7307, at this point falsified truths. From all this it is evident that 'the Egyptians will find it difficult to drink water from the river' means that those steeped in falsities resulting from illusions would wish to know as little as possible about truths, and so would feel an aversion to them. The reason for the aversion is that the truths which are perverted by means of falsities remain secretly and silently militant, working to dispel the falsities from themselves, and in doing this they cause distress. For if falsities and the conviction they carry are to any small extent removed truths are damning.

Latin(1748-1756) 7320

7320. `Et laborabunt Aegyptii ad bibendum aquas e fluvio': quod significet ut de illo vix aliquid scire vellent, constat ex significatione `Aegyptiorum' quod sint qui falsificant vera; ex significatione `bibere' quod sit instrui in veris, de qua n. 3069, 3772, 4017, 4018, inde `laborare ad bibendum' est non instrui velle, ita vix aliquid scire velle, (d)nempe de veris; et ex significatione `aquarum fluvii' quod sint falsa, de qua supra n. 7307, hic falsificata vera; ex his patet quod per `laborabunt Aegyptii ad bibendum aquas e fluvio' significetur quod illi qui in falsis ex fallaciis {1} vix aliquid scire vellent de veris, ita quod {2}aversarentur illa; causa aversationis est quia vera quae per falsa pervertuntur, usque clam et tacite pugnant, et a se discutere falsa laborant, atque ita pungunt; nam si removentur paulo falsa, cum fide horum, vera damnant {3}. @1 i sunt$ @2 aversati$ @3 i, inde pro illis aversatio$

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