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属天的奥秘 第7375节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7375

7375. These two loves increase insofar as the reins are given them, and insofar as the man is borne along into them; and at last they increase beyond measure, so that they desire to govern not only all things in their own kingdom, but also what is beyond, even to the ends of the earth; nay, these loves when unbridled ascend even to the God of the universe, that is, to such a height that they who are in them wish to climb to the throne of God, and to be worshiped instead of God Himself, according to what is written in Isaiah concerning Lucifer, by whom are meant those who are in these loves, and are called "Babel":

Thou saidst in thine heart, I will ascend into the heavens, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; and I will sit upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the cloud, and become like the Most High. Yet thou shalt be cast down to hell (Isa. 14:13-15).

Elliott(1983-1999) 7375

7375. These two kinds of love grow in the measure that the restraints placed on them are loosened and in the measure that a person is carried away into them. They eventually grow beyond measure; they become so great that those people wish to have control not only over everything in their own kingdom but also over everything beyond it, even to the ends of the earth. Indeed when the restraints placed on those kinds of love are loosened they reach even up to the God of the universe, that is, they become so great that the people immersed in those loves wish to mount God's throne and be worshipped as God Himself. Their desire is in keeping with the following words in Isaiah regarding Lucifer, by whom are meant those who are immersed in those loves and who are called 'Babel',

You said in your heart, I will go up the heavens, above the stars of God I will raise my throne, and I will sit on the mount of assembly, in the farthest parts of the north. I will go up above the heights of the clouds, and I will make myself like the Most High. But you have been sent down to hell. Isa 14:13-15.

Latin(1748-1756) 7375

7375. Hi bini amores crescunt quantum illis laxantur frena et quantum homo in illos evehitur; et tandem crescunt ultra modum ut non {1}tantum omnibus in suo regno imperare {2}velint, sed etiam quae ultra sunt, usque ad fines terrae; immo, amores illi quando illis laxantur frena, ascendunt usque ad Deum universi, hoc est, in tantum ut illi qui in illis sunt scandere velint {3}in thronum Dei, et pro ipso Deo coli; (m)secundum {4}haec apud Esaiam de Lucifero, per quem intelliguntur qui in illis amoribus sunt, (c)ac Babel vocantur, Tu dixisti in corde tuo, Caelos ascendam, super stellas Dei exaltabo thronum meum, et sedebo in monte (x)conventus, in lateribus septentrionis: ascendam supra excelsa nubis, et similis fiam Altissimo; {5}sed ad infernum demissus es, xiv 13-15.(n) @1 modo$ @2 velit, et omnia bona ibi possidere$ @3 ad$ @4 illa$ @5 xiv 13, 14, *** ad infernum demissus es$

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