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属天的奥秘 第7411节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7411

7411. And Pharaoh saw there was breathing. That this signifies that the weariness ceased, is evident from the signification of "there being breathing," as being that there was no longer what was undelightful, thus that there was no longer weariness. (That it was wearisome and undelightful to them to reason from mere falsities, see above, n. 7392.) That which is delightful causes man to breathe freely and fully; but that which is undelightful causes him to breathe neither freely nor fully; hence it is that by "there being breathing," is signified that what was undelightful or wearisome ceased.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7411

7411. 'And Pharaoh saw that he could breathe again' means that the weariness ceased. This is clear from the meaning of 'that he could breathe again' as the fact that there was no longer anything undelightful, and so no longer any weariness. Regarding the weariness and lack of delight experienced by those who use reasonings that arise from utter falsities, see above in 7392. What is delightful causes a person to breathe freely and fully, whereas what is undelightful prevents him from breathing freely or fully. So it is that 'he could breathe again' means that what was undelightful - that is, the weariness - ceased.

Latin(1748-1756) 7411

7411. `Et vidit Pharao quod facta respiratio': quod significet quod taedium cessaverit, constat ex significatione `quod facta respiratio' quod sit quod non amplius injucundum, ita quod non amplius taedium; quod taedium et injucundum fuerit illis ratiocinari ex meris falsis, videatur supra n. 7392; {1} jucundum facit homini respirare libere et plene, injucundum autem non libere nec plene; inde est quod per `facta respiratio' significetur quod injucundum seu taedium cessaverit. @1 i etiam$

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