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属天的奥秘 第7446节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7446

7446. Unto the morrow shall this sign be. That this signifies the consequent manifestation of Divine power forever, is evident from the signification of "the morrow," as being forever (see n. 3998); and from the signification of a "sign," as being the confirmation of truth, and thus knowledge (n. 6870), consequently the manifestation of Divine power; for truth was formerly made manifest by means of signs, and the Divine power at the same time.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7446

7446. 'And tomorrow will this sign be' means the manifestation of Divine power thereby for evermore. This is clear from the meaning of 'tomorrow' as for evermore, dealt with in 3998; and from the meaning of 'a sign' as a corroboration of the truth, and consequent knowledge of it, dealt with in 6870, and therefore the manifestation of Divine power. For in former times truth, and at the same time Divine power were made manifest by means of signs.

Latin(1748-1756) 7446

7446. `Et cras erit signum hoc': quod significet manifestationem potentiae Divinae inde in perpetuum, constat ex significatione `cras' quod sit in perpetuum, {1} de qua n. 3998; et ex significatione `signi' quod sit confirmatio veritatis, ac ita cognitio, de qua n. 6870, proinde manifestatio potentiae Divinae; nam per signa manifestata fuit olim veritas, ac simul manifestata potentia Divina. @1 i et in aeternum,$

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