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属天的奥秘 第7445节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7445

7445. And I will set redemption between My people and thy people. That this signifies the liberation of those who are of the spiritual church from those who are near in the hells, is evident from the signification of "redemption," as being a bringing forth from hell (see n. 7205), and as being specifically said of those who are being liberated from vastation (n. 2959); from the representation of the sons of Israel, who here are "My people," as being those who are of the spiritual church (n. 7439); and from the representation of the Egyptians, who here are "thy people," as being those who are near in the hells and infest (n. 7090). Hence it is plain that by "I will set redemption between My people and thy people" is signified the liberation of those who are of the spiritual church from those who are in the hells.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7445

7445. 'And I will place redemption between My people and your people' means the deliverance of those who belong to the spiritual Church from those in the hells nearby. This is clear from the meaning of 'redemption' as being led out of hell, dealt with in 7105, and from its specific use in reference to those who are being delivered from vastation, 2959; from the representation of the children of Israel, to whom 'My people' refers here, as those who belong to the spiritual Church, dealt with above in 7439; and from the representation of the Egyptians, to whom 'your people' refers here, as those in the hells nearby who engage in molestation, dealt with in 7090. From all this it is evident that 'I will place redemption between My people and your people' means the deliverance of those who belong to the spiritual Church from those in the hells nearby.

Latin(1748-1756) 7445

7445. `Et ponam redemptionem inter populum Meum et inter populum tuum': quod significet liberationem illorum qui ab Ecclesia spirituali ab illis qui in infernis prope, constat (c)ex significatione `redemptionis' quod sit eductio ab inferno, de qua n. 7205, et quod in specie dicatur de illis qui ex vastatione liberantur, n. 2959; ex repraesentatione `filiorum Israelis,' qui hic sunt `populus Meus,' quod sint qui ab Ecclesia spirituali, de qua supra n. 7439; et ex repraesentatione `Aegyptiorum,' qui hic sunt `populus tuus,' quod sint illi qui in infernis prope et infestant, de qua n. 7090; inde patet quod per `ponam redemptionem inter populum Meum et populum tuum' significetur liberatio illorum qui ab Ecclesia spirituali ab illis qui in infernis prope.

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