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属天的奥秘 第6870节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6870

6870. And this shall be the sign to thee that I have sent thee. That this signifies the knowledge that the Divine proceeded from Himself, is evident from the signification of a "sign," as being the confirmation of truth, and hence the knowledge that it is so; and from the signification of "being sent," as being to proceed (n. 2379, 4710, 6831); thus "to be sent of God" denotes to proceed from the Divine; and it also denotes that the Divine proceeds from Himself, for he who proceeds from the Divine, receives the Divine and advances it further.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6870

6870. 'And this will be the sign to you that I have sent you' means the recognition that the Divine would go forth from Him. This is clear from the meaning of 'the sign' as the corroboration of truth and consequent recognition that it is indeed so; and from the meaning of 'being sent' as going forth, dealt with in 2397, 4710, 6831, so that 'being sent by God' is going forth from the Divine. It is also the Divine going forth from Him, for one who comes forth from the Divine is receptive of the Divine and extends its influence further.

Latin(1748-1756) 6870

6870. `Et hoc tibi signum quod Ego miserim te': quod significet cognitionem quod Divinum procederet ab Ipso, constat ex significatione `signi' quod sit confirmatio veritatis et inde cognitio quod ita sit; et ex significatione `mitti' quod sit procedere, de qua n. 2397, 4710, 6831, ita `mitti a Deo' est procedere a Divino, et quoque est Divinum procedere ab {1}Ipso, nam qui procedit a Divino, is Divinum recipit, (c)et ulterius promovet. @1 d Ipso i illo$

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