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属天的奥秘 第7457节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7457

7457. We will go a way of three days into the wilderness. That this signifies that they would utterly depart so as to be in freedom, is evident from the signification of "going a way of three days into the wilderness," as being to utterly depart. That this is signified follows from what is contained above in the internal sense, namely, that they could not worship God in the neighborhood and presence of those who were from hell (of which above, n. 7452, 7454-7456); thus that they would depart in order to be in freedom.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7457

7457. 'We will go a way of three days into the wilderness' means that they would remove themselves altogether, so as to be in freedom. This is clear from the meaning of 'going a way of three days into the wilderness' as removing themselves altogether. That this is the meaning follows from what the internal sense above contains - that they could not worship God in a place nearby, in the presence of those from hell, dealt with above in 7452, 7454-7456. So they would have to remove themselves altogether, so as to be in freedom.

Latin(1748-1756) 7457

7457. `Viam trium dierum ibimus in desertum': quod significet quod prorsus elongarent se ut in libero sint, constat ex significatione `ire viam trium dierum in desertum' quod sit se prorsus elongare; quod hoc significetur, sequitur ex illis quae {1}supra in sensu interno continentur, quod nempe non possent colere Deum in propinquitate et praesentia illorum qui ex inferno essent, de {2}quo supra n. 7452, 7454-7456; ita quod elongarent se ut in libero sint. @1 After interno$ @2 qua re$

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