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属天的奥秘 第7460节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7460

7460. And Pharaoh said, I will let you go, and ye shall sacrifice to Jehovah your God in the wilderness. That this signifies that they would release and not infest them so that they might worship their God in freedom, is evident from the signification of "letting go," as being to release, thus not to infest; and from the signification of "sacrificing to Jehovah God," as being to worship their God (of which above, n. 7458). That it denotes in freedom, follows; for it is said that they should "sacrifice in the wilderness," consequently not so near as they had been before. (That to be near denotes not to be in freedom, see n. 7454, 7456.)

Elliott(1983-1999) 7460

7460. 'And Pharaoh said, I will send you away to sacrifice to Jehovah your God in the wilderness' means that they would leave them and not molest them, in order that they might worship their God in freedom. This is clear from the meaning of 'sending away' as leaving and so not molesting; and from the meaning of 'sacrificing to Jehovah God' as worshipping their God, dealt with above in 7458. Their being in freedom follows, for it says that they would offer sacrifice in the wilderness, consequently not in a place nearby, as previously. In a place nearby means not being in freedom, see 7454, 7456.

Latin(1748-1756) 7460

7460. `Et dixit Pharao, Ego dimittam vos, et sacrificetis Jehovae Deo vestro in deserto': quod significet quod relinquerent, et non infestarent, ut colant Deum suum in libero, constat ex significatione `dimittere' quod sit relinquere, ita non infestare; et ex significatione sacrificare Jehovae Deo' quod sit colere Deum suum, de qua supra n. 7458; quod in libero, sequitur, {1}nam dicitur quod sacrificarent in deserto, inde non ita in propinquitate, ut prius; quod in propinquitate sit in non libero, videatur {2} n. 7454, 7456. @1 quia procul ab Aegyptiis per quos significantur illi qui in falsis et infestant, et quia cultus ejus verus cultus est in libero, ita e longinquo ab infestatione, proinde in libero; quod cum in propinquitate, in non libero essent$ @2 i supra $

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