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属天的奥秘 第7634节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7634

7634. And that thou mayest tell in the ears of thy son, and of thy son's son, what things I have wrought in Egypt. That this signifies that they who are in truth and good may know what befalls those who are of the church and infest the upright, is evident from the signification of "telling in the ears," as being that they may know and take notice; and from the signification of "son," and "son's son," as being those who are in truth and good. (That "son" denotes truth, see n. 489-491, 1147, 2623, 3373; also that the "sons of sons" denote the things derived, n. 6583.) Here "sons" denote those who are in truth and also in good, because by them are signified those who are of the church; and therefore "thy son's son" is said to Moses, by whom is represented the law Divine, which is the Divine truth proceeding from the Lord's Divine good; thus it is the Divine truth to which is united the Divine good (n. 7623, 7624), from which is the church: and from the signification of "what things I have wrought in Egypt," as being that which befalls those who in the other life infest the upright. That by "signs" is signified that which befalls, and by "Pharaoh and the Egyptians" those who in the other life infest, is evident from what has been said before. (That they who infest have been of the church may be seen above, n. 7633.)

Elliott(1983-1999) 7634

7634. 'And in order that you may tell in the ears of your son and your son's son the deeds which I have performed in Egypt' means in order that those guided by truth and governed by good may know what happens to the ones belonging to the Church who molest the upright. This is clear from the meaning of 'telling in the ears' as in order that they may know and discern; from the meaning of 'son and son's son' as those guided by truth and governed by good ('son' means truth, see 489-491, 1147, 2623, 3373, and 'the sons of sons' derivatives, 6583, but at this point 'sons' are those who are guided by truth and also governed by good, for those who belong to the Church are meant by them; this explains why 'your son's son' is included in what is said to Moses, who represents the law of God, that is, Divine Truth emanating from the Lord's Divine Good, thus Divine Truth to which Divine Good is united, 7623, 7624, from which Truth and Good the Church derives its existence); and from the meaning of 'the deeds which I have performed in Egypt' as what happens to those who in the next life molest the upright. The meaning of 'signs' as what happens, and of 'Pharaoh and the Egyptians' as those who engage in molestation in the next life, is evident from what has been stated in previous paragraphs in this chapter; and for the fact that those who engage in molestation are people who have belonged to the Church, see immediately above at the end of 7633.

Latin(1748-1756) 7634

7634. `Et propterea ut narres in auribus filii tui, et filii filii tui, quae operatus sum in Aegypto': quod significet ut sciant qui in vero et bono quid evenit illis (d)qui ab Ecclesia sunt ac infestant probos, constat ex significatione `narrare in auribus' quod sit ut sciant et appercipiant; ex significatione `filii, et filii filii tui' quod sint qui in vero et bono; quod {1}`filius' sit verum, videatur n. 489-491, 1147, 2623, 3373; et quod `filii filiorum' sint derivativa, n. 6583; hic `filii' sunt qui in vero et quoque in bono, quia per illos significantur qui ab Ecclesia, quare dicitur `filius filii tui' ad Moschen, per (x)quem repraesentatur lex Divina, quae est Divinum Verum procedens a Divino Bono Domini, ita est Divinum Verum cui unitum est Divinum Bonum, n. 7623, 7624, ex quibus Ecclesia; et ex significatione `quae operatus sum in Aegypto' quod sit quid evenit illis qui in altera vita infestant probos; quod per `signa' significetur quid evenit, et per `Pharaonem et Aegyptios' significentur qui in altera vita infestant, {2}patet ex illis quae in praecedentibus dicta sunt; quod qui infestant sint qui fuerunt ab Ecclesia, videatur mox supra n. (x)7633 fin. @1 filius sit verum altered to filii sint vera$ @2 After sunt$

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