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属天的奥秘 第7720节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7720

7720. Verses 24-29. And Pharaoh called unto Moses, and said, Go ye, serve Jehovah; only your flock and your herd shall stay; your babe also shall go with you. And Moses said, Thou shalt also give into our hand sacrifices and burnt-offerings, that we may perform it unto Jehovah our God. And our cattle also shall go with us; there shall not a hoof be left behind; for thereof we must take to serve Jehovah our God; and we know not with what we must serve Jehovah until we come thither. And Jehovah made firm Pharaoh's heart, and he would not let them go. And Pharaoh said to him, Go away from before me, take heed to thyself that thou see my faces no more; for in the day thou seest my faces thou shalt die. And Moses said, Thou hast rightly spoken; I will see thy faces again no more. "And Pharaoh called unto Moses," signifies the presence of the law Divine; "and said, Go ye, serve Jehovah," signifies that they should be left, so that they may worship the Lord their God; "only your flock and your herd shall stay," signifies but not from good; "your babe also shall go with you," signifies that it was done from truth; "and Moses said," signifies the answer; "Thou shalt also give into our hand sacrifices and burnt-offerings," signifies that they should leave all the things by which worship is to be performed; "that we may perform it unto Jehovah our God," signifies which is acceptable to the Lord; "and our cattle also shall go with us," signifies that it will be from the good of truth; "there shall not a hoof be left behind," signifies that not anything of truth from good shall be lacking; "for thereof we must take to serve Jehovah our God," signifies that from it the Lord must be worshiped; "and we know not with what we must serve Jehovah," signifies that it is unknown with what the worship must be performed; "even until we come thither," signifies before they have been removed from those who are in mere falsities from evil; "and Jehovah made firm Pharaoh's heart," signifies that they were determined against the Divine; "and he would not let them go," signifies that they had no mind to leave them; "and Pharaoh said to him," signifies the growing hot of anger then against truth Divine; "Go away from before me," signifies that they were not willing to know anything about it; "take heed to thyself that thou see my faces no more," signifies that it did not enter into their mind; "for in the day thou seest my faces thou shalt die," signifies that if it entered into the mind it would be rooted out; "and Moses said," signifies the answer; "thou hast rightly spoken," signifies that from truth it is so; "I will see thy faces again no more," signifies that truth Divine will no longer enter into their minds.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7720

7720. Verses 24-end And Pharaoh called Moses, and said, Go, serve Jehovah; only your flocks and your herds will stay behind. Your little children also will go with you. And Moses said, You must also give into our hand sacrifices and burnt offerings, and we must make them to Jehovah our God. And our livestock also must go with us; not a hoof shall be left behind, for we must take some of them to serve Jehovah our God, and we ourselves do not know what we must serve Jehovah with until we get there. And Jehovah made Pharaoh's heart unyielding, and he would not send them away. And Pharaoh said to him, Go away from me; take care not to see my face again. For on the day you see my face you will die. And Moses said, Rightly have you spoken; I will not see your face again.

'And Pharaoh called Moses' means the presence of the law of God. 'And said, Go, serve Jehovah' means that they are to be left alone in order that they may worship the Lord their God. 'Only your flocks and your herds will stay behind' means but not from good. 'Your little children also will go with you' means that [they may worship Him] from truth. 'And Moses said' means the reply. 'You must also give into our hand sacrifices and burnt offerings' means that they must leave alone all the means through which worship must be offered. 'And we must make them to Jehovah our God' means which [worship] is acceptable to the Lord. 'And our livestock also must go with us' means that this [worship] must be from the good of truth. 'Not a hoof shall be left behind' means that nothing at all of the truth from good shall be lacking. 'For we must take some of them to serve Jehovah our God' means that they must be used in worship of the Lord. 'And we ourselves do not know what we must serve Jehovah our God with' means that what exactly will be needed for the worship to be performed is unknown. 'Until we get there' means until they have been removed from those steeped in utter falsities arising from evil. 'And Jehovah made Pharaoh's heart unyielding' means that they remained obstinately opposed to the Divine. 'And he would not send them away means that they had no mind to leave them. 'And Pharaoh said to him' means flaming anger at this point with God's truth. 'Go away from me means that he wished to know nothing at all about it. 'Take care not to see my face again' means that it should not enter their mind. 'For on the day you see my face you will die' means that if it did enter their mind it would be extirpated. 'And Moses said' means the reply. 'Rightly have you spoken' means that that is in truth so. 'I will not see your face again' means that God's truth will not enter their mind again.

Latin(1748-1756) 7720

7720. Vers. 24 ad fin. Et vocavit Pharao ad Moschen, et dixit, Ite, servite Jehovae; tantum grex vester et armentum vestrum subsistet; etiam infans vester ibit cum vobis. Et dixit Moscheh, Etiam tu dabis in manum nostram sacrificia et holocausta, et faciemus Jehovae Deo nostro. Et etiam pecus nostrum ibit cum nobis, non relinquetur ungula, quia de illo accipiemus ad serviendum Jehovae Deo nostro, et nos non scimus quo serviemus Jehovae, usque dum venimus illuc. Et obfirmavit Jehovah cor Pharaonis, et non voluit dimittere illos. Et dixit illi Pharao, Abi ab apud me, cave tibi ne addas videre facies meas, quia in die videre te facies meas morieris. Et dixit Moscheh, Recte locutus es, non addam amplius videre facies tuas. `Et vocavit Pharao ad Moschen' significat praesentiam legis Divinae: `et dixit, Ite, servite Jehovae' significat quod relinquendi ut colant Dominum Deum suum: `tantum grex vester et armentum vestrum subsistet' significat sed non ex bono: `etiam infans ibit cum vobis' significat quod ex vero: `et dixit Moscheh' significat responsum: `Etiam tu dabis in manum nostram sacrificia et holocausta' significat quod relinquent omnia per quae cultus fiet: `et faciemus Jehovae Deo nostro' significat qui acceptus Domino: `et etiam pecus nostrum ibit cum nobis' significat quod ex bono veri: `non relinquetur ungula' significat quod non aliquid veri ex bono deerit: `quia de illo accipiemus ad serviendum Jehovae Deo nostro' significat quod ex illo coletur Dominus: `et nos non scimus quo serviemus Jehovae Deo nostro' significat quod ignotum quo peragetur cultus: `usque dum venimus illuc' significat priusquam remoti sint ab illis qui in meris falsis ex malo: `et obfirmavit Jehovah cor Pharaonis' significat quod se obstinarent contra Divinum: `et non voluit dimittere illos' significat quod non eis animus relinquendi illos: `et dixit illi Pharao' significat excandescentiam irae tunc contra verum Divinum: `Abi ab apud me' significat quod de illo nihil scire vellet: `cave tibi ne addas videre facies meas' significat (d)quod non intraret in {1}eorum animum: `quia in die videre te facies meas morieris' significat quod si intraret in animum, exstirparetur: `et dixit Moscheh' significat responsum: `Recte locutus es' significat quod ex vero ita sit: `non addam amplius videre facies tuas' significat quod verum Divinum non amplius intrabit in animum. @1 ejus$

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