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属天的奥秘 第7740节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7740

7740. Thou hast rightly spoken. That this signifies that from truth it is so, is evident from the signification of "speaking rightly," as being to be so; that it is from truth, is also signified by "rightly" (see n. 5453, 5437). By its being so from truth is meant that they are now in such a state that they desire to know nothing about truth Divine; and if it should enter into the mind, they would cast it out, according to what was shown just above (n. 7738).

Elliott(1983-1999) 7740

7740. 'Rightly have you spoken' means that that is in truth so. This is clear from the meaning of 'speaking rightly' as its being so, indeed being meant also by 'rightly', 5434, 5437. By the explanation 'that is in truth so is meant their arrival now at a state in which they have no wish at all to know anything about God's truth; and should it enter their mind it would be thrown out, in keeping with what has been shown just above in 7738.

Latin(1748-1756) 7740

7740. `Recte locutus es': quod significet quod ex vero ita sit, constat ex significatione `recte loqui' quod sit ita esse; quod ex vero, significatur etiam per `recte,' n. 5434, 5437. Per quod ex vero ita sit, intelligitur quod in illo statu nunc sint, ut non aliter {1}velint quam nihil scire de vero Divino; et si intraret in animum, illud ejicerent, secundum illa quae mox supra n. 7738 ostensa sunt. @1 possint quam velle$

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