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属天的奥秘 第7755节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7755

7755. The first of the church is good, the second is truth; or the first of the church is charity, and the second is faith. For the truth of the doctrine of faith is for the sake of the good of life. That which is the end for the sake of which something else exists, this is the first.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7755

7755. In the Church good is primary and truth secondary, that is, charity is primary and faith secondary. For truth that doctrine teaches, the truth of faith, exists for the sake of goodness of life; and the end for the sake of which something exists is what is primary.

Latin(1748-1756) 7755

7755. Primum Ecclesiae est bonum, alterum est verum; seu primum Ecclesiae est charitas, et alterum {1} est fides; nam verum doctrinae fidei est propter bonum vitae; quod (t)est finis propter quem, id est primum. @1 i ejus$

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