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属天的奥秘 第7756节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7756

7756. With the conjunction of the good which is of charity, and the truth which is of faith, in man, the case is this. The good which is of charity enters through the soul into man, but the truth which is of faith enters through the hearing; the former flows in immediately from the Lord, but the latter mediately through the Word. Hence the way by which the good of charity enters is called the internal way; and the way by which the truth of faith enters is called the external way. That which enters by the internal way is not perceived, because it is not plainly subject to sensation; whereas that which enters by the external way is perceived, because it is plainly subject to sensation. For this reason everything of the church is attributed to faith. It is otherwise with those who have been regenerated; with such the good that is of charity is plainly perceived.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7756

7756. The situation involving the joining together in people of the good of charity and the truth of faith is this: The good of charity enters a person through his soul, whereas the truth of faith enters through hearing. The former flows in directly from the Lord, the latter indirectly through the Word. That being so, the path by which the good of charity enters is called the inward path, and the path by which the truth of faith enters is called the outward path. What enters by the inward path is not perceived because it does not pass into the person's direct awareness; but what enters by the outward path is perceived because it does pass into his direct awareness. This accounts for the ascription of everything of the Church to faith. It is different with those who have been regenerated. They have a clear perception of the good of charity.

Latin(1748-1756) 7756

7756. Cum conjunctione boni quod charitatis, et veri quod fidei, apud hominem, ita se habet: bonum quod charitatis intrat per animam apud hominem, verum autem quod fidei intrat per auditum; illud a Domino influit immediate, hoc autem {1}per Verbum mediate; inde via per quam bonum charitatis intrat vocatur via interna; et via per quam verum fidei intrat vocatur via externa; quod per viam internam intrat, hoc non percipitur quia non cadit manifeste in sensum; quod autem per viam externam intrat, hoc percipitur quia cadit manifeste in sensum; inde est quod fidei tribuatur omne Ecclesiae. Aliter apud illos qui regenerati sunt; apud hos {2} bonum quod charitatis manifeste percipitur. @1 After mediate$ @2 i enim$

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