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属天的奥秘 第7757节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7757

7757. The conjunction of the good of charity with the truth of faith is effected in the interiors of man. The good itself which flows in from the Lord adopts truth there, and appropriates it to itself, and thereby causes the good with the man to be good, and the truth to be truth; or the charity to be charity, and the faith to be faith. Without this conjunction charity is not charity, but only natural goodness; neither is faith faith, but only the memory-knowledge of such things as are of faith, and in some cases a persuasion that a thing is so for the sake of earning gain or honor.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7757

7757. The joining of the good of charity to the truth of faith takes place in a person s interiors. The good itself that flows in from the Lord adopts the truth there and makes it its own. In doing this it causes the good with a person to be good, and the truth to be truth; that is, it causes the charity to be charity and the faith to be faith. If the two are not joined together charity is not charity but merely natural goodness; and faith is not faith but merely knowledge of such things as are matters of faith, or sometimes more of an acceptance that a thing is true, brought about by inordinate desires for wealth and honour.

Latin(1748-1756) 7757

7757. Conjunctio boni charitatis cum vero fidei fit in interioribus hominis {1}; ipsum bonum quod influit a Domino adoptat ibi verum, ac sibi appropriat illud, et sic facit ut apud hominem bonum sit bonum, ac ut verum sit verum, seu quod charitas sit charitas et fides sit fides; absque illa conjunctione charitas non est charitas, sed modo bonitas naturalis; {2}nec fides est fides, sed modo scientia talium quae fidei sunt, et quandoque persuasio quod ita sit, propter faenerationem lucri aut honoris. @1 i ubi ejus intellectus$ @2 fides non$

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