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属天的奥秘 第7758节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7758

7758. When truth has been conjoined with good it is no longer called truth, but good; and so when faith has been conjoined with charity it is no longer called faith, but charity; the reason is that the man then wills and does the truth, and that which he wills and does is called good.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7758

7758. When truth has been joined to good it is no longer called truth but good. So when faith has been joined to charity it is no longer called faith but charity. The reason for this is that a person then wills and does the truth; and what he wills and does is called good.

Latin(1748-1756) 7758

7758. Verum cum conjunctum est bono, non amplius dicitur verum sed bonum; ita fides cum conjuncta est charitati non amplius dicitur fides sed charitas; causa est quia homo tunc vult et facit verum, et quod vult et facit, hoc dicitur bonum.

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