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属天的奥秘 第7759节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7759

7759. With the conjunction of the good of charity with the truth of faith, the case, further, is this. This good obtains its quality from truth, and truth its essence from good. From this it follows that the quality of good is according to the truths with which it is conjoined; and therefore good becomes genuine if the truths with which it is conjoined are genuine. Genuine truths of faith are possible within the church, but not out of it, for within the church is the Word.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7759

7759. To take further this matter of the joining of the good of charity to the truth of faith, that good is given its particular quality by truth, and truth derives its existence from good. From this it follows that the particular quality of good depends on the truths to which it is joined. Consequently good becomes genuine if the truths to which it is joined are genuine. Genuine truths of faith can exist within the Church, not so outside it, because the Word exists within the Church.

Latin(1748-1756) 7759

7759. Cum conjunctione boni charitatis cum vero fidei ita porro se habet: bonum illud (t)suum quale nanciscitur a vero, et verum essentiam suam a bono; inde sequitur quod quale boni sit secundum vera cum quibus conjungitur; quare bonum genuinum fit si vera cum quibus conjungitur genuina sunt; vera fidei genuina intra Ecclesiam dari possunt, non {1}ita extra illam, nam intra Ecclesiam est Verbum {2}. @1 autem$ @2 i, inde quoque bonum genuinum ibi$

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