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属天的奥秘 第7789节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7789

7789. Saying, Get thee out, and all the people that is at thy feet. That this signifies supplication that those may depart who are in truth from the Divine, from the highest to the lowest, is evident from the signification of "going out," as being to depart; from the representation of Moses, who is here meant by "thee," as being truth Divine; from the signification of "people," as being those who are in truth from the Divine; for by the sons of Israel, who are here "the people," are represented those who are of the spiritual church, thus who are in the truth of good and in the good of truth, here those who are in the truth from the Divine, because it is said "the people who are at thy feet," for by Moses is represented truth Divine; and from the signification of "at thy feet," as being those who are beneath, thus who are subordinate. For the "feet" signify lower because natural things, because the natural world is beneath the spiritual world (that the "feet" signify natural things see n. 2162, 3761, 3986, 4280, 4938-4952); and for this reason it is said, "the people who are at thy feet." From the highest to the lowest is also signified; by "Moses" the highest, because he represents truth Divine; by "the people at his feet," all and each of those who are in truth from the Divine.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7789

7789. 'Saying, Go out, you, and all the people at your feet!' means pleading to let them depart from those guided by the truth from God, highest to lowest. This is clear from the meaning of 'going out' as departing; from the representation of Moses, to whom 'you' refers here, as God's truth; from the meaning of 'the people' as those guided by the truth from God (for the children of Israel, to whom 'the people' refers here, represent those who belong to the spiritual Church, that is, those who are guided by the truth of good and governed by the good of truth, at this point those guided by the truth from God since the expression 'the people at your feet' is used and 'Moses' represents God's truth); and from the meaning of 'at your feet' as those who occupy a lower position, thus who are subordinate, since 'feet', meaning natural things, therefore means lower ones. For the natural world lies below the spiritual world, and 'feet' means natural things, see 2162, 7761, 3986, 4280, 4938-4952. All this explains why the words 'the people at your feet' are used. But they also mean highest to lowest, 'Moses' being the highest since he represents God's truth, 'the people at his feet' every single person who is guided by the truth from God.

Latin(1748-1756) 7789

7789. `Dicendo, Exi tu et omnis populus qui in pedibus tuis': quod significet supplicationem quod discedant ab illis qui in vero a Divino sunt, a summo ad imum, constat ex significatione `exire' quod sit discedere; ex repraesentatione `Moschis,' qui hic est `tu,' quod sit verum Divinum, ex significatione `populi' quod sint qui in vero a Divino; per `filios' enim `Israelis,' qui hic {1}sunt `populus,' repraesentantur qui ab Ecclesia spirituali, ita qui in vero boni et in bono veri, hic qui in vero a Divino, quia dicitur `populus qui in pedibus tuis,' per `Moschen' enim repraesentatur {2} verum Divinum; et ex significatione `in pedibus tuis' quod sint qui infra sunt, ita qui subordinati; `pedes' enim significant inferiora, quia naturalia, mundus enim naturalis est infra mundum spiritualem; quod `pedes' significent naturalia, videatur n. 2162, 3761, 3986, 4280, 4938-4952; inde {3}est quod dicatur `populus qui in pedibus tuis'; significatur etiam a summo ad imum, per `Moschen' summum, quia verum Divinum, per `populum in pedibus ejus' omnes et singuli qui in {4}vero a Divino. @1 est$ @2 i, ut dictum,$ @3 in lingua originali, dicitur$ @4 illo et sub illo$

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