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属天的奥秘 第7843节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7843

7843. And the whole congregation of the assemblage of Israel shall kill it. That this signifies preparation for the enjoyment by all in general who are of the spiritual church, is evident from the signification of "killing," when said of the lamb or goat to be used for the passover, as being preparation for enjoyment, namely, of the good of innocence, which is signified by the "lamb" and the "goat;" and from the signification of "the whole congregation of the assemblage of Israel," as being by all in general who are of the spiritual church (see n. 7830); by the "congregation of the assemblage" are signified the truths of good which belong to those who are of that church, for "congregation" is predicated of truth (n. 6355), and "assemblage" of good.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7843

7843. 'And all the congregation of the assembly of Israel shall slaughter it' means preparation for enjoyment by all in general belonging to the spiritual Church. This is clear from the meaning of 'slaughtering', when used in reference to the lamb or the she-goat for keeping the Passover, as preparation for enjoyment, the enjoyment of the good of innocence meant by the lamb and the she-goat; and from the meaning of 'all the congregation of the assembly of Israel' as by all in general belonging to the spiritual Church, dealt with above in 7830. 'The congregation of the assembly' means the truths of good which those belonging to that Church possess; for 'congregation' is used with reference to truth, 6355, and 'assembly' with reference to good.

Latin(1748-1756) 7843

7843. `Et mactabunt illam omnis congregatio coetus Israelis': quod significet praeparationem ad fruitionem ab omnibus in communi qui ab Ecclesia spirituali, constat ex significatione `mactare' cum dicitur de agno seu capra ad faciendum Paesach, quod sit praeparatio ad fruitionem, nempe boni innocentiae quod per `agnum et capram' significatur; et ex significatione `omnis congregationis coetus Israelis' quod sit ab omnibus in communi qui ab Ecclesia spirituali, de qua supra n. 7830; per `congregationem coetus' significantur vera boni quae illis qui ab Ecclesia illa; `congregatio' enim praedicatur de vero, n. 6355, et `coetus' de bono.

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