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属天的奥秘 第7842节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7842

7842. Even unto the fourteenth day of the month. That this signifies unto a holy state, is evident from the signification of "the fourteenth day," as being a holy state (that "day" denotes state, see above, n. 7831). But "fourteen" has the same signification as "seven" (that "seven" denotes what is holy, see n. 395, 423, 716, 881, 5265, 5268); for numbers multiplied have a like signification with the simple numbers (see n. 5291, 5335, 5708). Hence it is that the passover was to begin on the fourteenth day of the month, was to last seven days, and was to cease on the twenty-first day, which day also signifies what is holy, because it arises from the multiplication of three into seven. Hence it was that on the first day of the passover there was to be a holy convocation, and on the twenty-first day a holy convocation (verse 16).

Elliott(1983-1999) 7842

7842. 'Until the fourteenth of the month' means leading up to a holy state. This is clear from the meaning of 'the fourteenth day' as a holy state. 'Day' means a state, see above in 7831, while 'fourteen' has the same meaning as seven, and 'seven' means what is holy, see 395, 433, 716, 881, 5265, 5268. For multiple numbers have meanings similar to those of their factors, 5291, 5335, 5708. This explains why the Passover had to begin on the fourteenth day of the month, continue for seven days, and end on the twenty-first day, which too means what is holy, because that number is the product of three multiplied by seven. That was why there had to be a holy convocation on the first day of the Passover, and a holy convocation on the twenty-first day [of the month], verse 16.

Latin(1748-1756) 7842

7842. `Usque ad quartum decimum mensis': quod significet ad statum sanctum, constat ex significatione `diei quartidecimi' quod sit status sanctus; quod `dies' sit status, videatur supra n. 7831; `quattuordecim' autem (t)significant idem cum `septem'; {1} quod `septem' sint sanctum, videatur n. 395, 433, 716, 881, 5265, 5268, nam numeri multiplicati simile significant cum simplicibus, n. 5291, 5335, 5708; inde est quod Paesach inciperet decimoquarto die mensis, duraret septem diebus, et {2}desineret die vicesimo primo a, qui dies etiam significat sanctum, quia {3}exsurgit ex multiplicatione trium cum septem; inde erat quod in die primo Paschatis esset convocatio sancta, et in die vicesimo primo convocatio sancta, vers. 16. @1 finiretur$ @2 i ejusdem mensis$ @3 multiplicatur est per tria$

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