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属天的奥秘 第7861节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7861

7861. And that which is left of it until the morning ye shall burn with fire. That this signifies a state intermediate to the end through temptations, is evident from the signification of "that which is left until the morning," as being a state intermediate to the last, which is the state of elevation into heaven, for by "morning" is signified elevation into heaven and enlightenment there (see just above, n. 7860), and therefore by the time before morning is signified an intermediate state, in which it was allowed to enjoy that which was left, or to eat it, but not afterward; and from the signification of "burning with fire" as being to undergo temptations. That temptations are signified by "burning with fire" is because purifications are effected by fire; also because when man is in temptations, he is let down into his cupidities, which are fires.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7861

7861. 'And what does remain of it until the morning you shall burn with fire' means the state leading up to the end arrived at through temptations. This is clear from the meaning of 'what remains till morning' as the state leading up to the last, the last being when they are raised to heaven (for 'the morning' means being raised to heaven and enlightenment there, see immediately above in 7860, and therefore the time before morning means the state leading up to this, during but not after which they were allowed to enjoy or eat what was left); and from the meaning of 'burning with fire' as undergoing temptations. Temptations are meant by 'burning with fire' because fire can be used to purify, and also because when a person enters temptations he is confronted with his evil desires, which are 'fires'.

Latin(1748-1756) 7861

7861. `Et residuum de illo usque ad mane igne comburetis': quod significet statum medium ad finem per tentationes, constat ex significatione `residui {1} ad mane quod sit status medius ad ultimum, qui est elevationis in caelum, per `mane' enim significatur elevatio in caelum, et illustratio ibi, videatur mox supra n. 7860, ideo per `tempus ante mane' significatur status medius; in hoc statu (t)frui licuit residuo seu comedere illud, non autem postea; et ex significatione `igne comburere' quod sit subire tentationes; quod tentationes per `igne comburere' significentur, est quia {2}purificationes fiunt per ignem; tum quia cum homo in tentationes, in cupiditates suas immissus est, quae sunt ignes. @1 i hic$ @2 per ignem sordes non modo purificantur, sed etiam delentur, sicut homo a malis et falsis quae sunt sordes spirituales, per tentationes; inde est quod in Verbo tentationes etiam per ignem describantur$

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