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属天的奥秘 第7860节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7860

7860. And ye shall not leave of it until the morning. That this signifies the duration of this state before a state of enlightenment in heaven, is evident from the signification of "morning," as being heaven, and a state of enlightenment there (see n. 2405, 3458, 3723, 5740, 5962); that "to leave nothing of it until this time" denotes the duration of this state, is manifest, for then the former state will cease. In the internal sense, as before shown, the subject treated of is the liberation from infestations of those who are of the spiritual church. The state of their liberation is represented by the passover, and the state of their elevation into heaven by their introduction into the land of Canaan; this latter state is what is meant by "morning." These two states are quite contrary, as are the state of means to the end, and the state of the end. When the state of the end is at hand, then the things which are in the state of the means must be done with. From all this it is evident why it was commanded that they should "leave nothing of it until the morning."

Elliott(1983-1999) 7860

7860. 'And you shall not leave any of it until the morning' means the duration of this state before the state of enlightenment in heaven. This is clear from the meaning of 'the morning' as heaven and the state of enlightenment there, dealt with in 2405, 3458, 3723, 5740, 5962. 'Leaving nothing of it until that time' plainly means the duration of that state, for at that time the prior state will come to an end. As has been shown already, the subject in the internal sense is the deliverance of those belonging to the spiritual Church from molestations. The state of their deliverance is represented by the Passover, and the state of their being raised to heaven by being led into the land of Canaan, this latter state being meant by 'the morning'. These two states are entirely different from each other; they are like the state of the means to the end, and that of the end itself. When the state of the end itself is reached what belongs to the state of the means will have been accomplished. From this it is evident why they were commanded not to leave any of it till morning.

Latin(1748-1756) 7860

7860. `Et non relinquetis de illo usque ad mane': quod significet status hujus durationem ante statum illustrationis in caelo, constat ex significatione `mane' quod sit caelum et status illustrationis ibi, de qua n. 2405, {1} 3458, 3723, 5740, 5962; quod `nihil relinquere de illo usque ad id tempus' sit status illius duratio, patet, nam tunc {2}cessabit prior status. Agitur, ut prius ostensum, in sensu interno de liberatione illorum qui ab Ecclesia spirituali ab infestationibus; status liberationis illorum repraesentatur per `Paesach,' at status elevationis illorum in caelum per introductionem in terram Canaanem; hic status est qui intelligitur per `mane'; sunt bini illi status prorsus diversi, sicut sunt status mediorum ad finem, ac status finis; cum status finis adest, tunc peracta erunt quae in statu mediorum; {3}ex his patet cur mandatum quod nihil relinquerent de illo ad mane. @1 i 2780,$ @2 cessavit status prior$ @3 inde$

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