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属天的奥秘 第7862节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7862

7862. And thus shall ye eat it. That this signifies enjoyment in a state of separation from the evil who had infested, and preservation then, is evident from the signification of "to eat," as being enjoyment (of which above, n. 7849). As the departure out of Egypt is now treated of, and by this departure is signified separation from those who had infested, therefore it is this state which is meant by "thus shall ye eat it." That it means also preservation, is evident.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7862

7862. 'And thus you shall eat it' means enjoyment in a state of separation from the evil who have been molesters, and presentation at that time. This is clear from the meaning of 'eating' as enjoyment, dealt with above in 7849. Since the departure from Egypt is the subject, and separation from those who have been molesters is meant by it, that state is what one should understand by the instruction that 'thus' they were to eat it. The fact that preservation is also meant is self-evident.

Latin(1748-1756) 7862

7862. `Et sic comedetis illam': quod significet fruitionem in statu separationis a malis qui infestarunt, et conservationem tunc, constat ex significatione `comedere' quod sit fruitio, de qua supra n. 7849; {1} quia agitur {2} de exitu ex Aegypto, et per illum significatur {3}separatio ab illis qui infestarunt, idcirco est ille status qui {4}intelligitur per quod sic comederent illam; quod etiam {5}sit conservatio, patet. @1 i et$ @2 i nunc$ @3 status separationis$ @4 involvitur$ @5 liberatio sit, patet, nam per Paesach, quod comederent, significatur liberatio$

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