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属天的奥秘 第7909节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7909

7909. Ye shall eat nothing leavened. That this signifies that every caution is to be used to prevent falsity from being appropriated, is evident from the signification of "that which is leavened," as being falsity (of which above n. 7906); and from the signification of "to eat," as being to appropriate to oneself (of which also above, n. 7907). The frequent prohibition against eating what is leavened-as at verses 15 to 19-involves that the utmost caution is to be used against falsity. This utmost caution against falsity is to be used in order that man may be in good. Falsity does not agree with good, but destroys good; for falsity is of evil, and truth is of good. If falsity is appropriated, that is, firmly believed, there is no reception of the good of innocence, consequently no liberation from damnation. It is one thing to appropriate falsity to oneself, and another to adjoin it. They who adjoin falsity, if they are in good, reject it when the truth appears to them; but they who appropriate falsity to themselves, retain it and resist the truth itself when it appears. This then is the reason why it is so often said that what is leavened must not be eaten.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7909

7909. 'You shall eat nothing made with yeast' means being fully on their guard against making falsity their own. This is clear from the meaning of 'anything made with yeast' as falsity, dealt with above in 7906; and from the meaning of 'eating' as making one's own, also dealt with above, in 7907. The prohibition stated so frequently that what is made with yeast must not be eaten, as in verses 15,17-19, implies being fully on guard against falsity. The reason a person should be fully on his guard against falsity is in order that he may be governed by good. Falsity does not agree with good but destroys it, for falsity is wedded to evil, and truth is wedded to good. If falsity is made one's own, that is, if one firmly believes it, no reception of the good of innocence takes place, consequently no deliverance from damnation. It is one thing to make falsity one's own, another only to take hold of it. If governed by good, those who take hold of falsity cast it away when the truth appears to them. But those who make falsity their own hang on to it and stand opposed to the truth when it appears. This then is the reason for the prohibition stated so frequently that what is made with yeast must not be eaten.

Latin(1748-1756) 7909

7909. `Nullum fermentatum comedetis': quod significet quod cavendum omnino ne approprietur falsum, constat ex significatione `fermentati' quod sit falsum, de qua supra n. 7906; et ex significatione `comedere' quod sit appropriare sibi, de qua etiam supra n. 7907. Quod tam frequenter dicatur quod `fermentatum non comedetur,' ut vers. 15, 17-19, involvit quod omnino cavendum sit a falso; causa quod a falso omnino cavendum, est ut homo in bono sit; falsum non concordat cum bono sed destruit bonum, nam falsum est mali et verum est boni; si falsum appropriatur, hoc est, firmiter creditur, {1} nulla est receptio boni innocentiae, consequenter non liberatio a damnatione. Aliud est appropriare sibi falsum, aliud est adjungere {2}; qui adjungunt, si in bono sunt, falsum rejiciunt cum apparet illis verum; at qui appropriant sibi falsum retinent illud, ac ipsi vero cum apparet, resistunt; inde nunc est quod tam frequenter dicatur quod non comedetur fermentatum. @1 i tunc$ @2 i illud$

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