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属天的奥秘 第7910节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7910

7910. In all your dwellings ye shall eat things unleavened. That this signifies that in the interiors, where good is, truth shall be appropriated, is evident from the signification of "dwellings," as being the things which are of the mind, thus which are of intelligence and wisdom (see n. 7719), consequently the interiors, for here are intelligence and wisdom, and good also; and from the signification of "eating unleavened things," as being to appropriate truth to oneself (of which several times above). As to appropriation being effected in the interiors, and good being there, be it known that with those who are in the Lord, that is, who are in the life of faith and charity, good dwells in the interiors, and the more interiorly it dwells with them, the purer and the more heavenly the good is; but truth dwells in the exteriors, and the more exteriorly it dwells with them, the more is truth widowed from good. The reason is that man as to his interiors is in heaven, and as to his inmosts is near the Lord, but as to exteriors he is in the world; and hence it is that the truths which are of faith enter by an external way, but good by an internal way (n. 7756, 7757), also that the appropriation of truth is effected in the interiors where good is.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7910

7910. 'In all your dwellings you shall eat unleavened bread' means that in their interiors, where good is, truth must be made their own. This is clear from the meaning of dwellings' as parts of the mind, thus aspects of intelligence and wisdom, dealt with in 7719, consequently the interiors since intelligence and wisdom reside there, and also good; and from the meaning of 'eating unleavened bread' as making truth one's own, dealt with several times above. As regards the fact that people's interiors are the place where they make things their own, and the fact that the interiors are where good is, it should be recognized that with those who rely on the Lord, that is, who lead a life of faith and charity, good resides in their interiors; and the more deeply it resides in them, the purer and more heavenly that good is. But in their exteriors truth resides; and the more external its seat is, the more bereft of good that truth is. The reason for this is that so far as his interiors are concerned a person is in heaven, the innermost of them being close to the Lord; but so far as his exteriors are concerned he is in the world. Thus it is that the truths of faith enter by an external route, but good by an internal one, 7756, 7757, and thus it also is that people's interiors, where good is, are the place where they make truth their own.

Latin(1748-1756) 7910

7910. `In omnibus habitationibus vestris comedetis azyma': quod significet quod in interioribus ubi bonum, appropriabitur verum, constat a significatione `habitationum' quod sint illa quae mentis sunt, ita quae intelligentiae et sapientiae, de qua n. 7719, consequenter interiora, nam ibi intelligentia et sapientia, et quoque ibi bonum; et ex significatione `comedere azyma' quod sit appropriare sibi verum, de qua supra aliquoties. Quod appropriatio fiat in interioribus, {1}et quod ibi bonum, sciendum quod apud illos qui in Domino sunt, hoc est, qui in {2}vita fidei et charitatis, bonum habitet in interioribus, et quo interius apud illos eo purius et caelestius bonum; at in exterioribus habitat verum, quoque exterius apud illos eo verum est magis viduatum bono; causa est quia homo quoad interiora sua est in caelo, et quoad intima sua est prope Dominum, at quoad exteriora est in mundo; {3}inde est quod vera quae fidei intrent per viam externam, bonum autem per internam, n. 7756, 7757; tum quod appropriatio veri fiat in interioribus ubi bonum @1 ubi$ @2 charitate et fide$ @3 et quoad maxime externa remotus a coelo; inde est quod non dari queat fides apud hominem, nisi vera quae fidei intrant per viam externam seu per auditum hominis, et quoque inde conjunctio fiat in interioribus ejus, ubi bonum; bonum autem quod charitatis intrat per viam internam seu per animam, videatur n. 7756, 7757$

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