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属天的奥秘 第7911节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7911

7911. Verses 21-24. And Moses called all the elders of Israel, and said unto them, Draw ye forth, and take you an animal of the flock according to your families, and kill ye the passover. And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in, the blood that is in the basin, and ye shall touch the lintel and the two posts with the blood that is in the basin; and no one of you shall go out of the door of his house until the morning. And Jehovah will pass through to inflict a plague on Egypt; and He shall see the blood upon the lintel, and upon the two posts, and Jehovah will pass over the door, and will not allow the destroyer to come unto your houses to inflict a plague. And ye shall keep this word for a statute to thee and to thy sons forever. "And Moses called all the elders of Israel," signifies the enlightenment of the understanding of those who are of the spiritual church by means of the influx and presence of truth Divine; "and said unto them," signifies perception; "Draw ye forth," signifies that they should compel themselves; "and take you an animal of the flock," signifies to receive the good of innocence; "according to your families," signifies according to the good of each truth; "and kill ye the passover," signifies preparation for the presence of the Lord and consequent liberation; "and ye shall take a bunch of hyssop," signifies an external means by which there is purification; "and dip it in the blood," signifies the holy truth which is of the good of innocence; "that is in the basin," signifies that is in the good of the natural; "and ye shall touch the lintel and the two posts," signifies the goods and truths of the natural; "with the blood that is in the basin," signifies the holy truth which is of the good of innocence in the natural; "and no one of you shall go out of the door of his house," signifies that they shall abide steadfast in good, which must not be regarded from truth; "until the morning," signifies even to a state of enlightenment; "and Jehovah will pass through," signifies the presence of the Divine; "to inflict a plague on Egypt," signifies whence comes damnation to those of the church who have been in faith separate from charity; "and He will see the blood upon the lintel, and on the two posts," signifies a noticing of the holy truth which is of the good of innocence in the natural; "and Jehovah will pass over the door," signifies that damnation will flee from thence; "and will not allow the destroyer to come unto your houses," signifies that falsity and evil which are from the hells shall in no wise come near the will; "to inflict a plague," signifies the damnation which they bring on themselves; "and ye shall keep this word for a statute to thee and to thy sons forever," signifies that hereafter all this shall be according to Divine order for those who are of the spiritual church.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7911

7911. Verses 21-24 And Moses called all the elders of Israel, and said to them, Draw out and take for yourselves a member of the flock according to Your families, and slaughter the Passover. And you shall take a bunch of hyssop, and you are to dip it in the blood that is in the basin and strikea the lintel and the two doorposts with the blood that is in the basin. And you shall not go out, no one out of the door of his house until the morning. And Jehovah will go through to inflict the plague on Egypt; and He will see the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts, and Jehovah will pass by the door and not allow the destroyer to come to your houses to inflict the plague. And you shall keep this customb as a statute for yourself and your children for evermore.

'And Moses called all the elders of Israel' means the enlightenment of the understanding of those belonging to the spiritual Church through the influx and presence of God's truth. 'And said to them' means perception. 'Draw out' means that they should compel themselves. 'And take for yourselves a member of the flock' means to receive the good of innocence. 'According to Your families' means in keeping with the good of each truth. 'And slaughter the Passover' means preparation for the Lord's presence, and consequent deliverance. 'And you shall take a bunch of hyssop' means the outward means by which purification is effected. 'And you shall dip it in the blood' means holy truth belonging to the good of innocence. 'That is in the basin' means contained in the good of the natural. 'And strike the lintel and the two doorposts' means the forms of good and the truths of the natural. 'With the blood that is in the basin' means the holy truth belonging to the good of innocence in the natural. 'And you shall not go out, no one out of the door of his house' means that they must remain governed by good that is not to be viewed from truth. 'Until the morning' means until a state of enlightenment arrives. 'And Jehovah will go through' means the presence of the Divine. 'To inflict the plague on Egypt' means as a result of which damnation comes to those belonging to the Church who have been governed by faith separated from charity. 'And He will see the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts' means a discernment of the holy truth belonging to the good of innocence in the natural. 'And Jehovah will pass by the door' means that damnation will stay away from there. 'And not allow the destroyer to come to your houses' means that falsity and evil from the hells will not at all come near the will. To inflict the plague means damnation which they bring on themselves. And you shall keep this custom as a statute for yourself and your children for evermore' means that all this will be in keeping with Divine order as it will apply from now on to those belonging to the spiritual Church.


a lit. cause to touch
b lit. thing, matter, or word

Latin(1748-1756) 7911

7911. Vers. 21-24. Et vocavit Moscheh omnes seniores Israelis, et dixit ad illos, Protrahite et accipite vobis pecudem gregis juxta familias vestras, et mactate Paesach. Et accipietis fasciculum hyssopi, et intingatis in sanguine qui in pelvi, et attingere faciatis ad superliminare et ad binos postes, de sanguine qui in pelvi; et vos non exibitis quisquam ex ostio domus suae usque ad mane. Et transibit Jehovah ad infligendum plagam Aegypto, et viderit sanguinem super superliminari ei super binis postibus, et praeteribit Jehovah praeter ostium, et non dabit perditori venire ad domus vestras ad infligendum plagam. Et custodietis verbum hoc ad statutum tibi et filiis tuis usque aeternum. `Et vocavit Moscheh omnes seniores Israelis' significat illustrationem intellectus illorum qui ab Ecclesia spirituali per influxum et praesentiam veri Divini: `et dixit ad illos' significat perceptionem: `Protrahite' significat quod cogerent se: `et accipite vobis pecudem gregis' significat ad recipiendum bonum innocentiae: `juxta familias vestras' significat secundum cujusvis veri bonum: `et mactate Paesach' significat praeparationem ad praesentiam Domini, (c)et inde liberationem: `et accipietis fasciculum hyssopi' significat medium externum per quod purificatio: `et intingetis in sanguine' significat sanctum verum quod boni innocentiae: `qui in pelvi' significat quod in bono naturalis: `et attingere facietis ad superliminare et ad binos postes' significat bona et vera naturalis: `de sanguine qui in pelvi' significat sanctum verum quod boni innocentiae in naturali: `et vos non exibitis quisquam ex ostio domus suae' significat quod permanebunt in bono quod a vero non spectandum: `usque ad mane' significat ad statum illustrationis: `et transibit Jehovah' significat praesentiam Divini: `ad infligendum plagam Aegypto' significat unde damnatio illis qui ab Ecclesia in fide separata a charitate fuerunt: `et viderit sanguinem super superliminari et super binis postibus' significat apperceptionem sancti veri quod boni innocentiae in naturali: `et praeteribit Jehovah praeter ostium' significat quod fugiet inde damnatio: `et non dabit perditori venire ad domus vestras' significat quod falsum et malum quae ex infernis ad voluntatem nullatenus {1}accedent: `ad infligendum plagam' significat damnationem quam ipsi sibimet inferunt: `et custodietis verbum hoc ad statutum tibi et filiis tuis usque aeternum' significat quod omne hoc erit secundum ordinem Divinum posthac illis qui ab Ecclesia spirituali. @1 accedet$

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