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属天的奥秘 第7916节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7916

7916. According to your families. That this signifies according to the good of each truth, is evident from the signification of "families," when said of the sons of Israel, by whom is represented the spiritual church, as being the goods of truth; for the goods of that church are called "goods of truth." "Families" have this signification because in the internal sense none but spiritual things are meant, that is, those which are of heaven and the church, thus which are of faith and charity; and therefore in this sense "families" denote the things which descend from good through truth, and are the goods of truth.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7916

7916. 'According to your families' means in keeping with the good of each truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'families', when used in reference to the children of Israel, by whom the spiritual Church is represented, as forms of the good of truth; for that Church's forms of good are called forms of the good of truth. They are meant by 'families because nothing else is understood in the spiritual sense by 'families than spiritual things, that is, things of heaven and the Church, and so aspects of faith and charity. So it is that 'families', which in the spiritual sense are the descendants of good through truth, are forms of the good of truth.

Latin(1748-1756) 7916

7916. `Juxta familias vestras': quod significet secundum cujusvis veri bonum, constat ex significatione `familiarum' cum dicitur de filiis Israelis, per quos repraesentatur Ecclesia spiritualis, quod sint veri bona, nam bona illius Ecclesiae vocantur veri bona; quod `familiae' illa significent, est quia in sensu interno non nisi quam spiritualia, hoc est, quae {1} caeli et Ecclesiae, ita quae fidei et charitatis sunt, intelliguntur; quare `familiae' in illo sensu sunt quae descendunt ex bono per verum, et sunt veri bona. @1 i sunt$

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