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属天的奥秘 第7982节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7982

7982. Verses 40-42. And the dwelling of the sons of Israel which they dwelt in Egypt, was thirty years and four hundred years. And it was at the end of thirty years and four hundred years, it was even in this same day, all the armies of Jehovah went forth from the land of Egypt. A night of watches is this to Jehovah, for leading them forth from the land of Egypt; this is that night of watches to Jehovah for all the sons of Israel unto their generations. "And the dwelling of the sons of Israel which they dwelt in Egypt," signifies the duration of the infestations; "was thirty years and four hundred years," signifies the quality and state of these; "and it was at the end of thirty years and four hundred years," signifies the time of the Lord's coming, when they were liberated; "it was in this same day," signifies that it was then; "all the armies of Jehovah went forth from the land of Egypt," signifies that those who were in truth and good and were still detained there, were taken out; "a night of watches is this to Jehovah," signifies the Lord's presence with those who were in truth and good, and with those who were in evil and thence in mere falsity; "for leading them forth from the land of Egypt," signifies liberation from spiritual captivity; "this is that night of watches to Jehovah," signifies that now they were withheld from all falsity and evil; "for all the sons of Israel unto their generations," signifies those of the spiritual church with whom there is good from truth, and truth from good.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7982

7982. Verses 40-42 And the dwelling of the children of Israel, when they dwelt in Egypt, [lasted] four hundred and thirty years. And so it was at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, even on this same day it was, that all the hosts of Jehovah went out of the land of Egypt. This was the night when Jehovah was keeping watch,a to lead them out of the land of Egypt; this is that night when Jehovah was keeping watch', for all the children of Israel [to observe] throughout their generations.

'And the dwelling of the children of Israel, when they dwelt in Egypt' means the duration of the molestations. 'Four hundred and thirty years' means the essential nature and state of them. 'And so it was at the end of the four hundred and thirty years' means the time of the Lord's Coming, when they were delivered. 'Even on this same day it was' means that it was at that very time. 'That all the hosts of Jehovah went out of the land of Egypt' means that those with whom truth and good were present but who had been held back until then were released. 'This was the night when Jehovah was keeping watch' means the Lord's presence with those governed by truth and good and with those ruled by evil and consequently by utter falsity. 'To lead them out of the land of Egypt' means deliverance from spiritual captivity. 'This is that night when Jehovah was keeping watch' means that at that time they were held back from all falsity and evil. 'For all the children of Israel [to observe] throughout their generations' means those belonging to the spiritual Church among whom there is good resulting from truth and truth springing from good.


a lit. night of watchings to Jehovah

Latin(1748-1756) 7982

7982. Vers. 40-42. Et habitatio filiorum Israelis qua habitaverunt in Aegypto, triginta anni et quadringenti anni. Et fuit a fine triginta annorum et quadringentorum annorum, [et] fuit in eodem die hoc, exiverunt omnes exercitus Jehovae e terra Aegypti. Nox custodiarum haec Jehovae, ad educendum illos e terra Aegypti; haec nox ista Jehovae custodiarum omnibus filiis Israelis ad generationes illorum. `Et habitatio filiorum Israelis qua habitaverunt in Aegypto' significat infestationum durationem: `triginta anni et quadringenti anni' significat quale (x)et statum illarum: `et fuit a fine triginta annorum et quadringentorum annorum' significat tempus Adventus Domini cum liberati: `et fuit in eodem die hoc' significat quod tunc: `exiverunt omnes exercitus Jehovae e terra Aegypti' significat quod illi qui in vero et bono, et usque illuc detenti, exempti sint: `nox custodiarum haec Jehovae' significat Domini praesentiam apud illos qui in vero et bono, et apud illos qui in malo et inde in mero falso: `ad educendum illos e terra Aegypti' significat liberationem ex captivitate spirituali: `haec nox ista Jehovae custodiarum' significat quod tunc detenti ab omni falso et malo: `omnibus filiis Israelis ad generationes illorum' significat illos ab Ecclesia spirituali apud quos est bonum ex vero et verum ex bono.

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