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属天的奥秘 第7981节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7981

7981. And moreover, they had not prepared for themselves any provision for the journey. That this signifies that they had with them no other sustenance from truth and good, namely, than that signified by the "dough not leavened" (and that this denotes truth of good in which is nothing of falsity, see n. 7966), is evident from the signification of "provisions for the journey," as being sustenance from truth and good (n. 5490, 5953).

Elliott(1983-1999) 7981

7981. 'And also had not made for themselves provision for the way means that they did not have with them any other support from truth and good - none, that is to say, other than that meant by 'the dough to which no yeast was added', which is the truth of good that has no falsity at all in it, see 7966. This is clear from the meaning of 'provision for the way' as support received from truth and good, dealt with in 5490, 5953.

Latin(1748-1756) 7981

7981. `Et etiam viaticum non fecerunt sibi': quod significet quod non aliam sustentationem a vero et bono secum haberent, quam nempe {1}quae significatur per massam non fermentatam,' quae quod sit verum boni in quo nihil falsi, videatur n. 7966, constat ex significatione `viatici' quod sit sustentatio a vero et bono, de qua n. 5490, 5953. @1 veri bonum quod$

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