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属天的奥秘 第7983节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7983

7983. And the dwelling of the sons of Israel which they dwelt in Egypt. That this signifies the duration of the infestations, is evident from the signification of "dwelling," as being a state of life (see n. 1293, 3384, 3613, 4451, 6051); here a state of infestations, for this is the state of life now treated of, and which is signified by the number "thirty and four hundred years," to which the words have reference.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7983

7983. 'And the dwelling of the children of Israel, when they dwelt in Egypt' means the duration of the molestations. This is clear from the meaning of 'the dwelling' as a state of life, dealt with in 1293, 3384, 3613, 4451, 6051, at this point a state consisting of molestations, this being the state of life which is the subject at present and which is meant by the number 'four hundred and thirty', to which the words under consideration refer.

Latin(1748-1756) 7983

7983. `Et habitatio filiorum Israelis qua habitaverunt in Aegypto': quod significet infestationum durationem, constat ex significatione `habitationis' quod sit vitae status, de qua n. 1293, 3384, 3613, 4451, 6051, hic status infestationum, nam {1}ille est status vitae de quo nunc agitur, et qui significatur per numerum `triginta et quadringentorum annorum,' ad quem illa verba se referunt. @1 hic$

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