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属天的奥秘 第8022节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8022

8022. Afterward the angels of that earth came, and it was given me to perceive from their speech with me that they are utterly different from the angels of our earth; for their speech was not effected by means of words, but by means of ideas which diffused themselves through my interiors on all sides, and from there had also an influx into the face, so that the face concurred to every particular; beginning from the lips, and proceeding toward the circumference on all sides. The ideas which were in the stead of words were discrete, but in a slight degree. They said that so do they speak with their own people on their earth; and that there also the speech is of the face, beginning from the lips.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8022

8022. Then angels belonging to that planet arrived, and from the way they communicated with me I was made to realize that they were completely different from angels belonging to our planet. They did not use spoken words to communicate with me but ideas which entered my interiors, spread through them in every direction, and from there also passed on into my face, exerting so strong an influence on it that my face moved in accord with each particular idea. They began at the lips and then moved out in every direction towards the circumference of my face. These ideas taking the place of words were distinct from one another, though only slightly. The angels said that this was a way in which they could communicate with their people on their planet, and that there the method of communication was likewise one that employed the face, beginning at the lips.

Latin(1748-1756) 8022

8022. Postea venerunt angeli illius telluris, et {1} dabatur percipere ex loquela mecum quod prorsus (x)differrent ab angelis nostrae telluris; loquela enim illorum non fiebat per voces sed per ideas quae se per interiora mea undequaque diffundebant, et inde quoque influxum habebant in faciem, sic ut facies ad singula concurreret, incipiendo a labiis et pergendo versus circumferentiam undequaque; ideae quae loco vocum erant discretae erant sed perparum; dicebant quod ita eum suis in tellure sua loquerentur et quod ibi loquela quoque faciei sit incipiens a labiis. @1 i etiam$

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