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属天的奥秘 第8023节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8023

8023. Afterward they spoke with me by means of ideas still less discrete, insomuch that scarcely any interval was perceivable; it was in my perception like the meaning of words with those who attend only to the meaning abstractedly from the words. This speech was more intelligible to me than the former, and was also more full. It flowed into the face in like manner as the former, but the influx was more continuous, in accordance with the nature of the speech. It did not, however, begin from the lips, like the former, but from the eyes. They said that so also do they speak with their own people on their earth; but with those there who enjoy a more interior sense and discernment than the rest.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8023

8023. After this these angels communicated with me by means of ideas even less distinct from one another; I could detect hardly any spaces at all between them. To my mind it was like the meaning contained in words spoken by those who concentrate entirely on the meaning without thinking about the words. This kind of communicating was more intelligible to me than the first, and also contained more. It passed into my face as the first kind had, but the very nature of the method of communication made the inflow more continuous. However it did not begin, as the first had done, at the lips, but at the eyes. They said that this too was a way in which they communicate with the people on their planet, those there who are endowed with deeper insight and discernment than the rest.

Latin(1748-1756) 8023

8023. Postea loquebantur mecum per ideas adhuc {1}minus discretas, adeo ut vix aliquid interstitiale {2}perciperetur; erat in mea perceptione sicut sensus vocum apud illos qui solum ad sensum abstracte a vocibus attendunt; haec loquela mihi intelligibilior priore erat et quoque erat plenior; influebat similiter ac prior in faciem, sed influxus erat secundum quale loquelae magis continuus; verum non incepit ut prior a labiis sed ab oculis. Dicebant quod etiam ita loquantur cum suis in sua tellure, sed cum illis ibi qui {3}prae reliquis gaudent interiore sensu ac apperceptione. @1 magis continuas$ @2 After vix$ @3 pro$

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