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属天的奥秘 第8024节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8024

8024. Afterward they spoke in a manner still more continuous and full; and then the face could not concur by a suitable movement; but there was felt an influx into the brain, and this was then acted upon in a similar manner.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8024

8024. Then they began to communicate with me in a flow of ideas even more continuous with one another and even fuller; but now my face did not have sufficient mobility to remain in accord with them. However I felt them flowing into my brain, which was then being acted on in a similar fashion.

Latin(1748-1756) 8024

8024. Postea loquebantur adhuc continuius (c)et plenius; et tunc facies non potuit conveniente motione concurrere; sed {1}sentiebatur influxus in cerebrum, et quod {2}illud tunc similiter ageretur. @1 influxus tunc sentiebatur$ @2 hoc$

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