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属天的奥秘 第8067节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8067

8067. And for a memorial between thine eyes. That this signifies that it must be constantly in the understanding, is evident from the signification of "a memorial," as also being a constant recollection (it is said "a memorial," because in the Word this is predicated of the understanding, whereas "a sign" is predicated of the will); and from the signification of "eyes," as being the understanding (see n. 2701, 3820, 4403-4421, 4523-4534), consequently by "a memorial between the eyes" is signified that it must be constantly in the understanding, that is, in the thought. How it is to be understood that it must be constantly in the understanding and constantly in the will, shall be briefly told. Those things with a man which have been impressed by means of faith and charity, or which the man fully believes and loves, are constantly in his thought and will; for he thinks them and wills them, even when he is thinking and busy about other things, and does not suppose them to be present in his mind; for they are among the things which constitute the mind's quality. That this is so is clearly evident from the spiritual sphere which encompasses a spirit or an angel; for when he approaches, it is at once known from this sphere of what faith and of what charity he is, and many things he has at heart, although at the time he is not thinking about them. Such things constitute the mind's life of everyone, and they always keep themselves there. These things could be illustrated by very many things with man; as by the various reflections, by the affections, and by the actions impressed from infancy, and the like, which are continually present and guide, even if nothing is manifestly thought about the matter. The case is the same with love to the neighbor, with love to God, with the love of good and truth, and with faith; they who are in these, constantly will them and think them; for these are in them, and when they are within they are said to be "universally regnant" (n. 6159, 6571, 7648).

Elliott(1983-1999) 8067

8067. 'And as a memorial between your eyes' means that it shall be constantly in their understanding. This is clear from the meaning of 'memorial' too as constant recollection, the word 'memorial' being used because it has reference in the Word to the understanding, whereas 'sign' has reference to the will; and from the meaning of 'the eyes' as the understanding, dealt with in 2701, 3820, 4403-4421, 4523-4534. This is why 'as a memorial between the eyes' means that it shall be constantly in their understanding, that is, their thinking.

Something brief will be said to show how one should understand the explanation that it shall be constantly in the understanding and constantly in the will. The things which have imprinted themselves on a person through faith and charity, that is, which he fully believes and loves, are constantly in his thought and will. He thinks them and wills them even when he contemplates and deals with other matters, and imagines that those things are not present in his mind at that time. For they are indeed there among other things which determine the character of his mind. The truth of this is plainly evident from the spiritual sphere surrounding a spirit or angel; for when the spirit or angel approaches, that sphere tells one immediately about his faith and about his charity, and about much more that he has at heart, even though he is not thinking about them at the time. Such are the things that constitute the life of every mind and remain constantly there. These considerations could be illustrated by very many details to be observed in a person, such as his reflections on different things, his affections, the ways to act that have been ingrained in him since early childhood, and the like, which are continually present and hold sway although he does not consciously think about them at all. It is similar with love to the neighbour, love to God, and a love of goodness and truth, and with faith. People with those kinds of love and with faith will and think them constantly; for such love and faith reside within these people, and when they do so they are said to be reigning throughout, see 6159, 6571, 7648.

Latin(1748-1756) 8067

8067. `Et in memoriale inter oculos': quod significet quod perpetuo in intellectu, constat ex significatione `memorialis' quod etiam sit perpetua recordatio; `memoriale' dicitur quia hoc in Verbo praedicatur de intellectuali, at `signum' de voluntario; et ex significatione `oculorum' quod {1}sint intellectus, de qua n. 2701, 3820, 4403-4421, 4523-4534; inde per `in memoriale inter oculos' significatur quod perpetuo erit in intellectu, hoc est, in cogitatione. Quomodo intelligendum {2} quod perpetuo erit in {3}intellectu et perpetuo in {4}voluntate, paucis dicetur: quae apud hominem per fidem et charitatem impressa sunt, seu quae homo plane credit et amat, haec perpetuo sunt in ejus cogitatione et voluntate, cogitat enim illa et vult illa tametsi in ideis et in negotiis de illis rebus est, et autumat quod illa in mente tunc non adsint; ibi enim sunt inter alia quae constituunt quale mentis; quod ita sit, patet manifeste a sphaera spirituali quae circum spiritum seu angelum est, cum enim appropinquat, ex sphaera illa cognoscitur ilico qua fide et qua charitate est, ac plura quae ei cordi sunt, tametsi ille de iis tunc nihil cogitat; sunt talia quae vitam mentis cujusvis constituunt, et se tenent perpetuo ibi; illustrari haec possent a perpluribus apud hominem, sicut a reflexionibus variis, ab affectionibus, aque actionibus ab infantia impressis, et similibus, quae jugiter adsunt et regunt, etiamsi nihil de eo manifeste cogitatur; ita se habet cum amore in proximum, cum amore in Deum, cum amore boni et veri, cum fide; qui in illis {5}sunt, perpetuo {6}volunt illa ac {7}cogitant illa, nam insunt, et cum insunt, dicuntur universaliter regnantia, videatur n. 6159, 6571, 7648. @1 sit$ @2 i sit$ @3 voluntate$ @4 intellectu$ @5 d sunt i est$ @6 vult$ @7 cogitat$

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