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属天的奥秘 第8091节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8091

8091. Verses 17, 18. And it was in Pharaoh's letting the people go, that God led them not by the way of the land of the Philistines, because that was near; for God said, Perchance the people will repent when they see war, and return to Egypt. And God led the people about, by the way of the wilderness, the sea Suph; and the sons of Israel went up armed out of the land of Egypt. "And it was in Pharaoh's letting the people go," signifies when they who had infested left those who were of the spiritual church; "that God led them not by the way of the land of the Philistines," signifies that it was provided by the Divine that they should not pass to truth of faith which is not from good; "because that was near," signifies that it first comes up; "for God said," signifies the Divine foresight; "Perchance the people will repent when they see war," signifies that they will turn aside from truth by reason of assaults; "and will return to Egypt," signifies that from this there would be a fall into falsities, which are utterly contrary to the truths and goods of faith; "and God led the people about, by the way of the wilderness," signifies that under the Divine auspices they were brought to confirm the truths and goods of faith through temptations; "the sea Suph," signifies the damnation which they were first to pass through; "and the sons of Israel went up armed out of the land of Egypt," signifies that they were taken away from a state of infestations, and thus prepared to undergo temptations.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8091

8091. Verses 17,18 And so it was when Pharaoh sent the people away, that God did not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines, althougha that was near; for God said, Perhaps the people will change their minds when they see war, and will return to Egypt. And God led the people around by the way of the wilderness, the Sea Suph. And the children of Israel went up equipped for battle, out of the land of Egypt.

'And so it was when Pharaoh sent the people away' means when those who molested left those belonging to the spiritual Church. 'That God did not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines' means that the Divine saw to it that they should not pass on to the truth of faith that does not spring from good. 'Although that was near' means that this is the first to present itself. 'For God said' means Divine foresight. 'Perhaps the people will change their minds when they see war' means that they will fall away from the truth as a result of attacks. 'And may return to Egypt' means a consequent relapse into falsities which are entirely opposed to the truths and forms of the good of faith. 'And God led the people around by the way of the wilderness' means that under Divine guidance they were led by means of temptations to firm acceptance of the truths and forms of the good of faith. 'The Sea Suph' means the damnation which they first had to pass through. 'And the children of Israel went up equipped for battle, out of the land of Egypt' means that they had been released from the state in which they underwent molestations and so had been made ready to suffer temptations.


a lit. because

Latin(1748-1756) 8091

8091. Vers. 17, 18. Et fuit in dimittere Pharao populum, et non duxit illos Deus via terrae Philistaeorum, quia propinqua illa, quia dixit Deus, Forte paenitebit populum in videre illos bellum, et revertentur Aegyptum. Et circumduxit Deus populum via deserti, mare Suph; et accincti ascenderunt filii Israelis e terra Aegypti. `Et fuit in dimittere Pharao populum' significat cum illi qui infestarunt relinquerent illos qui ab Ecclesia spirituali: `et non duxit illos Deus via terrae Philistaeorum' significat quod a Divino provisum ne transirent ad verum fidei quod non ex bono: `quia propinqua illa' significat quod primum (x)obveniat: `quia dixit Deus' significat praevidentiam Divinam: `Forte paenitebit populum in videre illos bellum' significat quod a vero declinabunt per oppugnationes: `et revertatur Aegyptum' significat quod inde lapsus in falsa quae prorsus contra vera et bona fidei: `et circumduxit Deus populum via deserti' significat quod ex auspicio Divino perducti ad confirmanda vera et bona fidei per tentationes: mare Suph' significat damnationem quam primum transirent: `et accincti ascenderunt filii Israelis e terra Aegypti' significat quod ex statu infestationum exempti sint, et sic parati ad sustinendas tentationes.

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