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属天的奥秘 第8168节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8168

8168. Cease from us, and let us serve the Egyptians. That this signifies that they would not be withheld from surrendering, is evident from the signification of "to cease from us," when said of infestations, as being not to hinder, and not to withhold; and from the signification of "serving the Egyptians," as being to surrender to those who infest by means of falsities. That "to cease from us," when said in a state of infestations, and also in a state of temptations, of the influx of truth Divine represented by Moses, denotes not to hinder, and not to withhold, is because in these states two forces or powers are acting, one of which is from the falsities that are injected from the hells into the external man, and the other of which is from truths that are insinuated by the Lord into the internal man (n. 8164). These two forces act reciprocally against each other. The falsities injected from the hells have their force and power from the love of self and of the world, which are in the man; but the truths insinuated by the Lord have their force and power from love toward the neighbor and love to the Lord. When the man conquers, the internal force or power always prevails, because this is Divine; and it does not admit the force or power from falsities to be increased further than it can be repelled. Therefore when these two forces act, the internal force which is from the Lord continually as it were withholds the man and hinders him, lest the falsities drag him down, thus causing him to yield; for it is a general rule that when two forces act in opposition to each other, one draws and the other draws back. In the spiritual world, forces are the affections which are of the loves; and the instrumentalities by which they act are truths, and in the opposite sense, falsities.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8168

8168. 'Leave us alone, and let us serve the Egyptians' means that they would not be drawn back from surrendering themselves. This is clear from the meaning of 'leaving us alone', when said with regard to molestations, as not preventing and not drawing back; and from the meaning of 'serving the Egyptians' as giving themselves up, like those who have been vanquished, to those who molest by means of falsities, thus that they would surrender themselves. The reason for the meaning of 'leaving us alone' - when addressed, in a state of molestations and also in a state of temptations, to the influx of God's truth, which 'Moses' represents - as not preventing and not drawing back is that two forces or powers are at work in them. One comes from the falsities cast by the hells into the external man, the other from the truths instilled by the Lord into the internal man, 8164. These two forces act one against the other. The falsities which are cast in by the hells derive their force and power from the self-love and love of the world that are within a person; but the truths which are instilled by the Lord derive their force and power from love towards the neighbour and love to the Lord. When a person is victorious the internal force and power is always prevalent, because it is Divine; and it does not allow the force or power the falsities possess to become too great for it to be repulsed. When therefore those two forces act the internal force from the Lord is constantly drawing the person back so to speak; it prevents falsities from dragging him down and his consequently going under. For it is a general rule that when two forces act in opposition to each other, one is drawing forward, the other back. In the spiritual world forces are affections belonging to different kinds of love; the instruments by means of which they act are truths, and in the contrary sense falsities.

Latin(1748-1756) 8168

8168. `Cessa a nobis, et serviamus Aegyptiis': quod significet quod non retraherentur quin se dedant, constat (c)a significatione `cessare a nobis' quod sit cum de infestationibus dicitur, non inhibere et non retrahere {1}; et (c)ex significatione `servire Aegyptiis' quod sit se dare victos illis qui per falsa infestant, ita quin se dedant. Quod `cessare a nobis,' cum {2}in statu infestationum et quoque in statu tentationum dicitur de influxu veri Divini, quod per `Moschen' repraesentatur, sit non inhibere et non retrahere, est quia binae vires seu potentiae in illis agunt, una quae {3}ex falsis quae injiciuntur ab infernis in externum hominem, altera quae est (c)ex veris quae insinuantur a Domino in internum, n. (x)8164; hae binae vires agunt contra se mutuo; falsa quae injiciuntur ab infernis vim et potentiam suam habent ab amore sui et mundi {4}qui in homine; at vera quae insinuantur a Domino vim et potentiam suam habent ab amore erga proximum et in Dominum; cum vincit homo, tunc praevalet semper vis {5}et potentia interna, quia haec est Divina; quae nec admittit ut vis seu potentia a falsis ultra augeatur quam ut repelli queat; cum itaque binae hae vires agunt, tunc vis interna {6}, quae a Domino continue quasi retrahit hominem, et inhibet ne falsa detrahant illum, et ille sic succumbat; nam commune est, quando binae vires sibi oppositae agunt, quod una trahat (c)et altera retrahat; vires {7}in spirituali mundo sunt affectiones {8}quae amorum, instrumentalia per quae agunt sunt vera, ac in opposito sensu falsa. @1 i, de qua sequitur$ @2 de infestationibus dicitur$ @3 est a$ @4 apud hominem$ @5 seu$ @6 i seu veri$ @7 spirituales$ @8 seu amores, vera sunt instrumentalia per quae illae agunt$

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