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属天的奥秘 第8176节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8176

8176. And ye shall keep silence. That this signifies that from their own strength they will effect nothing at all, is evident from the signification of "to be silent," as being to acquiesce, and as temptations are treated of, as being not to think or believe that they effect anything by their own strength. (On this subject see what was said and shown above, n. 8172, 8175.) That nevertheless they ought not to slack their hands, and await immediate influx; but ought to fight as from themselves, and yet acknowledge and believe that it is from the Lord, see n. 1712, 1937, 1947, 2882, 2883, 2891.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8176

8176. 'And you are to be silent' means that by their own powers they will achieve [absolutely] nothing. This is clear from the meaning of 'being silent' as resting content and, since temptations are the subject, refusing to think or believe that they achieve anything by their own powers, regarding which matter see what has been stated and shown above in 8172, 8175. Even so this does not mean that they should stay their hands and wait for immediate influx; rather they should fight as though they acted from themselves, but nevertheless should acknowledge and believe that they act from the Lord, see 1712, 1937, 1947, 2882, 2883, 2891.

Latin(1748-1756) 8176

8176. `Et vos taceatis': quod significet quod ex suis viribus [prorsus] nihil efficient, constat ex significatione `tacere' quod sit acquiescere, et quia de tentationibus agitur, non cogitare aut credere quod aliquid ex suis viribus efficiant; de hac re videantur quae supra n. {1}8172, 8175, dicta et ostensa sunt. Quod usque non ideo {2}remittere debeant manus et immediatum influxum {3}expectare, sed quod pugnaturi sint sicut (c)a se, sed usque agnituri et credituri quod a Domino, videatur n. 1712, 1937, (x)1947, 2882, 2883, 2891. @1 8171, 8173. On revising his initial enumeration S changed 8171 and 8173 to 8172 and 8175 respectively.$ @2 remittant$ @3 expectent$

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