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属天的奥秘 第8175节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8175

8175. Jehovah shall wage war for you. That this signifies that the Lord alone sustains the combats of temptations, is evident from the signification of "to wage war for you," when said about Jehovah in temptations, as being that He sustains alone the combats of temptations. (That "Jehovah" denotes the Lord, see just above, n. 8172.) That the Lord alone sustains the combats of temptations, and conquers, is because the Divine alone can conquer the hells. Unless the Divine acted against them, they would rush in like a vast ocean, one hell after another, for the resisting of which man is of not the slightest avail; and the less so because in respect to what is his own, man is nothing but evil, thus is hell, from which the Lord then withdraws him, and afterward withholds him (see above, n. 1581, 1661, 1692, 6574).

Elliott(1983-1999) 8175

8175. 'Jehovah will fight for you' means that the Lord alone endures the conflicts brought by temptations. This is clear from the meaning of 'fighting for you', when it refers to what Jehovah does in temptations, as enduring alone the conflicts brought by temptations, 'Jehovah' being the Lord, see just above in 8172. The reason why the Lord alone endures the conflicts brought by temptations and is conqueror is that the Divine alone can conquer the hells. If the Divine did not counteract them they would rush in like a mighty ocean, one hell after another; and man is utterly powerless to resist them, all the more so since a person's selfhood is nothing but evil, and so is a hell from which the Lord drags him out then, and after that holds him back, see what has been stated in 1581, 1661, 1692, 6574.

Latin(1748-1756) 8175

8175. `Jehovah militabit pro vobis': quod significet quod Dominus solus tentationum {1}pugnas sustineat, constat ex significatione `militare pro vobis,' cum de Jehovah in tentationibus, quod sit tentationum {2}pugnas solus (x)sustinere; quod `Jehovah' sit Dominus, videatur mox supra n. 8172. Quod Dominus solus sustineat {1}pugnas tentationum et vincat, est quia solum Divinum potest vincere inferna; nisi Divinum ageret contra illa, (x)irruerent sicut maximus oceanus, {3} unum infernum post alterum, ad {4}quibus resistendum homo prorsus nihil valet; et eo minus cum homo quoad suum proprium non est nisi quam malum, ita infernum, a quo Dominus illum tunc extrahit ac postea detinet, (x)videantur (d)quae n. 1581, 1661, 1692, 6574. @1 pugnam altered to pugnas$ @2 pugnam$ @3 i ac$ @4 quae resistenda$

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