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属天的奥秘 第8276节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8276

8276. And the choice of the tertian captains.* That this signifies all with each, is evident from the signification of "the tertian captains," as being the generals under which are particulars in a series (see n. 8150); thus all and each. For when mention is made of generals, the particulars which are under them and in them are also meant, and likewise the singulars which are under the particulars and in them; for a general without particulars and singulars is not anything, since it is called a "general" from these, because it is a complex of many. Hence it is that by "tertian captains" are signified all with each. It is said "the choice," and by this are signified the chief falsities, under which the rest are. * See 1 Kings 22:32. [Reviser.]

Elliott(1983-1999) 8276

8276. 'And his choice tertiary commanders' means all aspects together with specific details. This is clear from the meaning of 'tertiary commanders' as general headings, under which come particular aspects arranged into order, dealt with in 8150, thus all aspects and specific details. For when the words 'general headings' are used, the particular aspects that come under them and are included within them are meant as well, and also the specific details coming under and included within particular aspects, since without them no general heading is anything at all. A heading is called general on account of them; for they all come under it. So it is that 'tertiary commanders' means all aspects together with specific details. The word 'choice' is used, and by it chief ones are meant, that is to say, chief falsities under which all the rest come.

Latin(1748-1756) 8276

8276. `Et electio {1}ducum tertianorum': quod significet omnia cum singulis, constat ex significatione `ducum tertianorum' quod sint communia sub quibus particularia, in serie, de qua n. 8150, ita omnia et singula, nam cum {2}dicuntur communia, intelliguntur etiam particularia quae sub illis et in illis, et quoque singularia quae sub particularibus et in illis, nam commune absque illis non est aliquid, commune enim dicitur ab illis, quia est complexus plurium; inde est quod per `duces tertianos' significentur omnia cum singulis; `electio' dicitur, et per (c)eam significantur praecipua, nempe falsa {3}sub quibus reliqua sunt. @1 See n. 8150 footnote 1$ @2 dicantur$ @3 quae caeteris praesunt$

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