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属天的奥秘 第8275节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8275

8275. Pharaoh's chariots and his army He hath cast into the sea. That this signifies that the falsities from evil, in particular and in general, of those who had been of the church and in a life of evil there, at His presence cast themselves into the hells, is evident from the signification of "chariots," as being falsities (see n. 8146, 8148, 8215), here falsities in particular, because the "army" also is mentioned, by which are signified falsities in general (that "armies" denote falsities, see n. 3448, 8138, 8146, 8148); from the representation of Pharaoh and of the Egyptians, as being those of the church who are in faith separate and in a life of evil, and consequently are in mere falsities from evil (n. 7926, 8132, 8135, 8138, 8148); and from the signification of "the sea," here the sea Suph, as being the hell where they are who are in these falsities (n. 8099, 8137, 8148). Consequently, "He cast into the sea," denotes that He cast into hell; in the internal sense, that at the mere presence of the Lord they cast themselves there (n. 8265). From all this it is evident that by "Pharaoh's chariots and his army He hath cast into the sea" is signified that the falsities from evil, in particular and in general, of those who had been of the church and in a life of evil there, at the presence of the Lord cast themselves into the hells.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8275

8275. 'Pharaoh's chariots and his army He has thrown into the sea' means the particular and the general falsities arising from evil of those belonging to the Church who led a life of evil in it, and the fact that at His presence those falsities have cast themselves into the hells. This is clear from the meaning of 'chariots' as falsities, dealt with in 8146, 8148, 8215, at this point particular falsities since the word 'army', meaning general falsities, is also used (for the meaning of 'army' as falsities, see 3448, 8138, 8146, 8148); from the representation of 'Pharaoh' and of 'the Egyptians' as those belonging to the Church who uphold separated faith and lead a life of evil, and are therefore steeped in utter falsities arising from evil, dealt with in 7926, 8132, 8135, 8138, 8148; and from the meaning of 'the sea', the Sea Suph at this point, as the hell where those steeped in those falsities are, dealt with in 8099, 8137, 8148, so that 'He has thrown into the sea' means that He has cast into hell, in the internal sense that they have cast themselves into it simply at the presence of the Lord, see 8265. From all this it is evident that 'Pharaoh's chariots and his army He has thrown into the sea' means that the particular and the general falsities arising from evil of those belonging to the Church who led a life of evil in it have cast themselves at the presence of the Lord into the hells.

Latin(1748-1756) 8275

8275. `Currus Pharaonis et exercitum illius projecit in mare': quod significet falsa ex malo in specie et in genere illorum qui ab Ecclesia et ibi in vita mali, quod se ad praesentiam Ipsius conjecerint in inferna, constat ex significatione `curruum' quod sint falsa, de qua n. 8146, 8148, 8215, hic falsa in specie, quia etiam dicitur `exercitus,' per quem significantur falsa in genere; quod `exercitus' sint falsa, videatur n. 3448, 8138, 8146, 8148; ex repraesentatione `Pharaonis et Aegyptiorum' quod sint qui ab Ecclesia in fide separata ac in vita mali, ac inde in meris falsis ex malo, de qua n. 7926, 8132, 8135, 8138, 8148; ex significatione `maris,' hic `maris Suph,' quod sit infernum ubi ii qui in illis falsis, de qua n. 8099, 8137, 8148; inde `projecit in mare' est quod conjecit in infernum, in sensu interno quod seipsos ad solam praesentiam Domini illuc conjecerint, videatur n. (x)8265; ex his patet quod per `currus Pharaonis et exercitum illius projecit in mare' significetur quod falsa ex malo in specie et in genere illorum qui ab Ecclesia et ibi in vita mali se ad praesentiam Domini conjecerint in {1}inferna. @1 mare I$

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