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属天的奥秘 第8314节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8314

8314. Then were the chiefs of Edom dismayed. That this signifies the like with those who are in a life of evil from the love of self, is evident from the signification of "the chiefs," as being the principal ones, thus all and each (of which below); and from the representation of Edom, as being those who from the evil of the love of self readily learn falsities and reject truths, and in the sense abstracted from person, as being the evil of the love of self to which falsity is adjoined and from which truth is rejected, thus also those who are in a life of evil from this love, namely, from the love of self. As regards these "chiefs," by them are signified the principal ones; in the sense abstracted from person, the principal things, thus all things and each; for when "the chiefs" are mentioned, general things are signified, under which are the rest, or the principal things; as for instance the "tertian captains" (n. 8150, 8276); and they are predicated of good, and in the opposite sense of evil; while by "princes" are also signified general things under which are the rest, or primary things (n. 1482, 2089, 5044), but these are predicated of truth. [2] Be it known that in the Word there are words that belong to the class of spiritual things, and words that belong to the class of celestial things; that is, there are those which express such things as belong to truth or faith, and those which express such things as belong to good or love. There are also words which are predicated of both. He who knows these things can know from the first view or reading of the Word, especially in its original tongue, where in the internal sense it treats of such things as are of truth, or of such things as are of good. The case is so with the signification of "princes," and of "chiefs;" "princes" signify primary things, and are predicated of the truths of faith; but "chiefs" signify principal things, and are predicated of the good of love. In the opposite sense, "princes" are predicated of the falsities of faith, and "chiefs" of the evils of love. [3] From this it is that those who reigned in Edom were called "chiefs" (Gen. 36:15-21, 29, 30, 40-43). The reason is that by "Edom" was signified the good of celestial love, and in the opposite sense the evil of the love of self; but with the sons of Ishmael, those who presided over the rest were not called "chiefs," but "princes" (Gen. 25:16), because by "Ishmael" were signified those who are in truth (n. 3263, 3268, 4747). For this reason also those were called "princes" who presided in Israel (Num. 7:2, 10, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54), for by Israel were represented those who are in the truth and good of faith. But those who presided over Judah were called "chiefs," because by Judah were represented those who are in the good of love, as in Zechariah:

Let him be as a chief in Judah (9:7). The chiefs of Judah shall say in their heart, I will confirm to me the inhabitants of Jerusalem in Jehovah Zebaoth their God; in that day I will make the chiefs of Judah like a furnace of fire in pieces of wood (12:5, 6).

Elliott(1983-1999) 8314

8314. 'Then the chiefs of Edom were dismayed' means a like feeling on the part of those leading a life of evil arising from self-love. This is clear from the meaning of 'the chiefs' as the leaders, thus each and every person, dealt with below; and from the representation of 'Edom' as those who, ruled by the evil of self-love, seize on falsities and cast aside truths, or as - in the sense abstracted from persons - the evil of self-love which embraces falsity and rejects truth, so that 'Edom' also represents those who lead a life of evil arising from that love, namely self-love. As regards the word 'chiefs', leaders are meant by it, or - in the sense abstracted from persons - leading features, and so each and every aspect. For when the word 'chiefs' is used, it implies each and every person under them, as when the word 'king' is used it implies all subjects of his kingdom; for the group takes its name from the most powerful person among them. When the term 'chiefs' or 'commanders' is mentioned in the Word general headings under which all else comes is meant, or leading features, as with 'tertiary commanders', 8150, 8276; and that term has reference to good, or in the contrary sense to evil. 'Princes' however likewise means general headings under which all else comes, or first and foremost features, 1482, 2089, 5044; but it has reference to truth.

[2] It should be recognized that in the Word there are terms that belong to the group of spiritual things and terms that belong to the group of celestial things; that is, there are terms serving to express such things as are matters of truth or faith, and terms serving to express such things as are matters of good or love. In addition there are terms that have reference to both. As soon as the person who is acquainted with these looks at or reads the Word, especially in its original language, he knows when such things as are matters of truth are the subject in the internal sense, and when such things as are matters of good are the subject. This is the situation with the meaning of 'princes' and 'chiefs'. 'Princes' means first and foremost features and is used in reference to the truths of faith, or in the contrary sense to falsities of faith, whereas 'chiefs' means leading features and is used in reference to the good of love, or in the contrary sense to the evils of love.

[3] So it is that those who ruled in Edom were called 'chiefs', as is evident from Gen 36:15-19, 21, 29, 30, 40-43. The reason why they were called 'chiefs' is that 'Edom' meant the good of celestial love, and in the contrary sense the evil of self-love. But among 'the sons of Ishmael', those who were set in authority over everyone else were not called 'chiefs' but 'princes', Gen 25:16, because 'Ishmael' means those guided by truth, 3263, 3268, 4747. For the same reason the term 'princes' was used for those set in authority in Israel, Num 7:2, 10, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, since 'Israel' represented those governed by the truth and good of faith. But those set in authority in Judah were called 'chiefs' since Judah' represented those governed by the good of love, as in Zechariah,

Let him be like a chief in Judah. Zech 9:7.

And in the same prophet,

The chiefs of Judah will say in their heart, I will strengthena for myself the inhabitants of Jerusalem in Jehovah Zebaoth, their God. On that day I will make the chiefs of Judah like a furnace of fire among pieces of wood. Zech 12:5, 6.


a This differs from what appears in English versions of Scripture because Sw., following Sebastian Schmidt, reads the Hebrew as a verb, not as a noun.

Latin(1748-1756) 8314

8314. `Tunc consternati sunt duces Edomi': quod significet simile apud illos qui in vita mali ex amore sui, constat ex significatione `ducum' quod sint praecipui, ita omnes et singuli, de qua sequitur; et ex repraesentatione `Edomi' quod sint qui ex malo amoris sui arripiunt falsa et rejiciunt vera; in sensu a persona abstracto, quod {1}sit malum amoris sui cui adjungitur falsum et rejicitur verum; ita quoque qui in vita mali ex illo amore sunt, nempe ex amore sui. Quod `duces' attinet, significantur per illos praecipui, in sensu a persona abstracto, praecipua, ita omnia et singula, nam cum duces nominantur, intelliguntur omnes et singuli qui sub illis, sicut cum rex, intelliguntur illius regni omnes, nam denominatio fit a potiore; ubi `duces' in Verbo nominantur, significantur communia sub quibus reliqua, seu praecipua, sicut duces tertiani, n. 8150, 8276, et praedicantur de bono, ac in opposito sensu de malo; per `principes' autem significantur etiam communia sub quibus reliqua, seu primaria, n. 1482, 2089, 5044, sed praedicantur de vero; sciendum quod in 2 Verbo sint voces quae ad classem spiritualium pertinent, et quae ad classem caelestium, hoc est, quae exprimunt talia quae sunt veri seu fidei, et quae talia quae sunt boni seu amoris; etiam sunt voces quae praedicantur de utrisque; qui haec novit, (d)is potest ex prima intuitione {2}seu lectione Verbi, imprimis in lingua ejus originali, scire ubinam in sensu interno agitur de talibus quae sunt veri, aut de talibus quae sunt boni; ita se habet cum significatione `principum et ducum': `principes' significant primaria, et praedicantur de fidei veris, at `duces' significant praecipua, et praedicantur de amoris bono, in opposito sensu {3}principes de fidei falsis, et {4}duces de amoris {5}malis; inde est quod qui in Edomo regnarunt dicti sint `duces,' ut patet 3 a Gen. xxxvi 15-19, 21, 29, 30, 40-43; causa est quia per `Edomum' significatum est bonum amoris caelestis, et in opposito sensu malum amoris sui; at apud filios Ismaelis, qui reliquis praefuerunt, non dicti sunt `duces' sed `principes,' Gen. xxv 16, quia per `Ismaelem' significati sunt qui in vero, n. 3263, 3268, 4747; ex illa causa etiam principes dicebantur qui praeerant {6}in Israele, Num. vii 2, 10, 18, 24, 30, (x)36, 42, 48, 54, nam per `Israelem' repraesentabantur qui in vero et bono fidei, at qui praeerant Jehudae dicebantur {7}`duces', quia per `Jehudam' repraesentabantur qui in bono amoris, ut apud Sachariam, Sit sicut dux in Jehudah, ix 7:

et apud eundem, Dicent duces Jehudae in corde suo, Confirmabo mihi habitatores Hierosolymae in Jehovah Zebaoth, Deo illorum; in die illo ponam duces Jehudae sicut fornacem ignis in lignis, xii 5, 6. @1 sint$ @2 et$ @3 illi$ @4 hi$ @5 malo$ @6 Israeli, quia$ @7 After at$

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