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属天的奥秘 第8315节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8315

8315. The mighty ones of Moab. That this signifies those who are in the life of falsity from this love, is evident from the signification of "mighty ones," as being things that reign and prevail; and from the representation of Moab, as being those who are in natural good and suffer themselves to be easily led astray (see n. 2468), thus who are in a consequent life of falsity; for they who are in natural good, and not in good from the truth of faith, thus not in spiritual good, suffer themselves to be led away to believe any falsities whatever, thus to live according to them. They are led away from truths to falsities especially by those things which favor their loves. These are they who are meant by "Moab." (That they who are in natural good, and not in spiritual good, cannot possibly be led by any influx from heaven, see n. 3470, 3471, 3518, 4988, 4992, 5032, 6208, 7197, 8002.) The word by which "the mighty ones" are expressed in the original tongue, is predicated of those who are in truth from good, and in the opposite sense, of those who are in falsity from evil; in this latter sense is this word in Ezek. 31:11, and 2 Kings 24:15.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8315

8315. 'The powerful ones of Moab' means those leading a life of falsity resulting from that love. This is clear from the meaning of 'the powerful ones' as ruling and predominant elements; and from the representation of 'Moab' as people who are governed by natural good yet easily allow themselves to be led into error, dealt with in 2468, thus who lead a life of falsity as a result. For people governed by natural good and not by good that springs from the truth of faith, thus who are not governed by spiritual good, allow themselves to be carried away into believing any falsities whatever, and so into living in accordance with them. They are carried away from truths to falsities, in particular by ones that accord with the kinds of love they have. These are the people that 'Moab' serves to mean. Those governed by natural and not by spiritual good cannot at all be led by any influx from heaven, see 3470, 3471, 3518, 4988, 4992, 5032, 6208, 7197, 8002. The word used in the original language to express 'powerful ones' refers to those strong in truth that is grounded in good, and in the contrary sense to those strong in falsity that is rooted in evil. The word is used in the latter sense in Ezekiel 31:11; 2 Kings 24:15.

Latin(1748-1756) 8315

8315. `Potentes Moabi': quod significet qui in vita falsi ex illo amore, constat ex significatione `potentium' quod sint regnantia et praevalentia, et ex repraesentatione `Moabi' quod sint qui in bono naturali sunt et facile se seduci patiuntur, de qua n. 2468, ita qui in vita falsi inde sunt, nam qui in bono naturali sunt et non in bono ex vero fidei, ita non in bono spirituali, illi (t)se abduci patiuntur ad credendum falsa quaelibetcumque, ita ad (x)vivendum secundum illa; abducuntur a veris ad falsa imprimis per illa quae favent amoribus illorum; hi sunt qui per `Moabum' {1}intelliguntur; quod illi qui in bono naturali et non in bono spirituali {2} nequaquam per aliquem influxum e caelo duci queant, videatur n. 3470, 3471, 3518, 4988, 4992, 5032, 6208, (x)7197, 8002. Vox per quam exprimuntur potentes in lingua originali praedicatur de illis qui in vero sunt ex bono, {3}et in opposito sensu qui in falso sunt ex malo; in hoc sensu est vox illa apud Ezechielem xxxi 11; 2 Reg. xxiv 15. @1 significantur; quales illi sunt$ @2 i, quod$ @3 at$

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