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属天的奥秘 第8371节




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Potts(1905-1910) 8371

8371. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE SPIRITS AND INHABITANTS OF THE EARTH JUPITER. I have been further informed by the spirits who are from that earth about various things that concern its inhabitants, such as their walk, their food, their homes, and the like. As regards their walk, they do not walk erect like the inhabitants of this and of many other earths, nor do they creep in the manner of animals, but when they are walking they assist themselves with the palms of their hands, and alternately half raise themselves on their feet, and also at every third step turn the face to the side and behind them, and also at the same time bend the body a little, which is done rapidly. For among them it is unbecoming to be looked at by others except in the face.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8371


To resume what spirits belonging to that planet have told me about various things characteristic of its inhabitants, let me turn to such matters as their manner of walking, their food, homes, and the like. So far as their manner of walking is concerned, they do not go erect as inhabitants of this and a large number of other planets do; nor do they go on all fours in the manner of animals. Rather, when they walk they help themselves along with the palms of their hands, and alternately half raise themselves to stand on their feet. Every third step they also turn their face looking to the side and behind them, and at the same time bend their body round slightly. They do this quickly, because among them it is improper for them to be looked at by others except in the face.

Latin(1748-1756) 8371

8371. Continuatio de Spiritibus et Incolis Telluris Jovis

Porro a spiritibus qui ex illa tellure {1}, informatus sum de variis quae apud incolas ibi, ut de (t)illorum gressu, de cibis, {2}et domiciliis, et similibus. Quod gressum illorum concernit, non ambulant erecti sicut incolae hujus telluris et plurium aliarum, nec repunt more animalium, sed cum gradiuntur, adjuvant se palmis et alternis vicibus se ad dimidium super pedes elevant, et quoque in gradiendo quovis tertio passu facie spectant ad latus et post se, et tunc etiam paulum inflectunt corpus quod fit repente, nam apud illos indecorum est ab aliis (x)spectari quam a facie. @1 i sunt$ @2 de$

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