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属天的奥秘 第8370节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8370

8370. And they encamped there by the waters. That this signifies that after temptation the truths of faith were set in order by means of the good of love, is evident from the signification of "encamping," as being the setting in order of truth and good (n. 8103, 8130, 8131, 8155); and from the signification of "waters," as being truths of faith (n. 2702, 3058, 3424, 4976, 5668). That by the "encamping there by the waters" is signified that the truths of faith were set in order by means of the good of love, is because by a "camp" are signified truths and goods (n. 8193, 8196); and by "encamping" is signified the setting in order of them; and by "by the waters," is signified according to the truths which are from the Divine. It is said "by means of the good of love," because all setting in order of truths is effected by means of the good of love; for it is under and according to good that truths apply themselves, and make with good as it were one body. It is said "according to the image of the man in whom they are," because the image of a man's spirit-which is the man himself, for it is the inward man-is precisely according to the setting in order of the truths from good with him. Hence it is that when angels are made present, a sphere of the good of love pours out from them, and affects those who are present, and truths of faith shine forth from their faces. In the spiritual world such things appear, and are openly perceived. It is said that this setting in order is effected after temptation, because goods and truths are implanted in man by means of temptations, but are not set in order until afterward; for the state of temptation is turbulent, but the state after temptation is tranquil. The setting in order is effected in tranquility. On this account also temptations are followed by what is pleasant by reason of enlightenment from truth, and by what is delightful by reason of the affection of good (of which fact see just above, n. 8367).

Elliott(1983-1999) 8370

8370. 'And they encamped there beside the waters' means that after temptation the truths of faith were arranged into order by the good of love. This is clear from the meaning of 'encamping' as an arrangement of truth and good into order, dealt with in 8103 (end), 8130, 8131, 8155; and from the meaning of 'the waters' as the truths of faith, dealt with in 2702, 3058, 3424, 4976, 5668. The reason why 'they encamped there beside the waters' means that the truths of faith were arranged into order by means of the good of love is that 'camp' means truths and forms of good, 8193, 8196, and 'encamping' an arrangement of them, while 'beside the waters' means in keeping with truths that come from God. The expression 'the good of love' is used because every arrangement of truths into order is effected through the good of love; for truths arrange themselves under good and accord with it, making with good one body so to speak in the image of the person in whom they exist. The expression 'in the image of the person in whom they exist' is used because the image of a person's spirit - which, being his internal man, is the person's true self - is fashioned altogether according to the ordering and arrangement of truths by good residing with him. This is why when angels come to be present the sphere of the good of love ripples out from them and impinges on the affections of those who are present; and the truths of faith shine from their faces. In the spiritual world these kinds of things are apparent and clearly perceived. The arranging into order is said to take place after temptation because although forms of good and truths are instilled into a person through temptations they are not arranged into order until the temptations have finished. For a state of temptation is one of turmoil, whereas the state after temptation is peaceful; and when there is peace the arranging into order takes place. Therefore temptations are also followed by a feeling of pleasure as a result of enlightenment from truth and by a feeling of delight as a result of an affection for good, dealt with just above in 8367.

Latin(1748-1756) 8370

8370. `Et castrametati sunt ibi juxta aquas': quod significet quod post tentationem ordinata vera fidei per bonum amoris, constat ex significatione `castrametari' quod sit ordinatio veri et boni, de qua n. 8103 fin., 8130, 8131, 8155; et ex significatione `aquarum' quod sint vera fidei, de qua n. 2702, 3058, (x)3424, 4976, 5668; quod per `castrametati ibi juxta aquas' significetur quod ordinata sint vera fidei per bonum amoris, est quia per `castra' significantur vera et bona, n. 8193, 8196, et per `castrametari' ordinatio illorum, et per `juxta aquas' secundum vera quae a Divino; per bonum amoris dicitur, quia omnis ordinatio verorum fit per bonum amoris, est enim bonum sub quo {1}et secundum quod vera {2}se applicant, et faciunt cum bono sicut unum corpus ad imaginem hominis in quo sunt; ad imaginem hominis in quo sunt dicitur, quia imago spiritus hominis, qui est ipse homo, nam est internus homo, est prorsus secundum ordinationem verorum a bono apud illum; inde est, cum angeli sistuntur praesentes, quod sphaera boni amoris ex illis exundet et afficiat praesentes, et vera fidei elucescant ex faciebus illorum; in spirituali {3} mundo talia apparent et percipiuntur manifeste. {4}Dicitur quod ordinatio illa fiat post tentationem, quoniam bona et vera implantantur homini per tentationes sed non ordinantur quam postea; status enim tentationis est turbulentus, at status post tentationem est tranquillus; in tranquillo fit ordinatio; idcirco etiam post tentationes succedit amoenum ex illustratione a vero, et jucundum ex affectione boni, de qua re mox supra n. (x)8367. @1 tum$ @2 se applicant altered to applicantur$ @3 i enim$ @4 After tentationem$

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