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属天的奥秘 第8372节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8372

8372. When they are walking in this way they always keep the face forward, and thus look before them; and never downward, or to the earth. To look downward they call damnable. Only the lowest among them do this, who, unless they accustom themselves to look forward, are banished from society.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8372

8372. When they walk in this manner they always keep their face frontwards and in so doing they look to the front, never downwards or to the ground. They call looking downwards damnable. It is what the most worthless among them do, and if they do not grow accustomed to looking forwards they are banished from society.

Latin(1748-1756) 8372

8372. Cum ita ambulant, semper tenent faciem antrorsum et sic ante se spectant, nusquam deorsum seu ad terram; spectare deorsum vocant damnatum; vilissimi apud illos hoc faciunt; qui si non assuescunt spectare antrorsum, e societate illorum exterminantur.

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