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属天的奥秘 第8373节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8373

8373. But when they sit, they appear like the men of our earth, erect as to the upper part of the body; but they sit with their feet crossed. They are extremely careful, not only when they walk, but also when they sit, not to be looked at behind, but in the face. Moreover they are very willing for their faces to be seen, because from this appears their mind; for they never show a face at variance with their mind; this being impossible. From this also those who are present know clearly what mind they have toward them, which they do not hide; and especially whether a seeming friendship is sincere, or pretended.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8373

8373. When they sit however the upper part of their body appears erect, as with members of our planet; but they sit crossed-legged They take the greatest care not only when they walk but also when they sit to ensure that no one looks at them in the back, only in the face. They are also very willing to let their face be seen, because their mind is displayed by it. They never present a face different from the mind; they are incapable of doing so. Anyone present with them can also plainly tell from it what their feelings are towards him, they do not conceal them. Above all he can tell whether an appearance of friendliness is genuine or false.

Latin(1748-1756) 8373

8373. Cum autem sedent, apparent sicut homines nostrae telluris {1}quoad superiorem partem corporis erecti, sed sedent decussatim quoad pedes; sollicite cavent, non modo cum ambulant sed etiam cum sedent, ne spectentur a tergo sed a facie; libenter etiam volunt ut facies suae videantur, quia {2}inde mens eorum apparet; nam nusquam alienam a mente faciem ostendunt, quod nec possunt; praesentes sciunt (d)etiam manifeste inde quo animo erga se sunt, quod nec abscondunt; imprimis num apparens amicum ex sincero sit vel num ex simulato. @1 superiore parte corporis erecta$ @2 ibi$

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