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属天的奥秘 第8398节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8398

8398. And all the assemblage of the sons of Israel came unto the wilderness of Sin. That this signifies unto another state of temptation, is evident from the signification of "coming," as being the abode of the successive that is signified by "journeying" (see n. 8397); from the signification of "the assemblage of the sons of Israel," as being those who are of the spiritual church (n. 7843); from the signification of "the wilderness," as being a state of undergoing temptations (see n. 8098); and from the signification of "Sin," as being the quality of this state; for names include the whole quality of the state of the thing treated of, as has been abundantly shown above. From the temptation which is signified by the murmuring on account of the lack of bread and flesh, and from the consolation afterward which is signified by the manna and the quail, it is evident what "Sin" signifies, namely, the good which is from truth. Consequently "Sin," which was a city of Egypt, and from which the wilderness of Sin took its name, in the opposite sense signifies the evil which is from falsity, in Ezekiel:

I will pour out My wrath upon Sin, the strength of Egypt; and I will cut off the multitude of No; and I will set a fire in Egypt, grieving Sin shall grieve, and No shall be for a breaking through, and Noph for the enemies daily; the young men of Aven and of Pi-beseth shall fall by the sword, and these shall go into captivity; and in Tehaphnehes the day shall be darkened, when I shall break there the yokes of Egypt (30:15-18);

[2] here are treated of those who are in memory-knowledges, and hatch therefrom falsities from which are evils; "Egypt" here denotes memory-knowledge; "Sin," the evil which is from falsity; and "No," the falsity from which is evil. That a deeper sense lies concealed here than that which stands forth in the letter, can be seen by everyone from this consideration alone-that the Word is Divine, and that, unless a deeper sense were in it, there would be scarcely any sense that can be apprehended, still less a sense containing what is holy. Hence it is very manifest that the names in the Word denote things, and that from them there results a general sense that is worthy of the Word which is from Jehovah. He who acknowledges the Word to be Divine cannot possibly deny this, provided he is willing to think from reason, or to form conclusions from an understanding that is for a while enlightened.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8398

8398. 'And all the assembly of the children of Israel came to the wilderness of Sin' means arriving at another state of temptation. This is clear from the meaning of 'coming' as a point in the further stage that is meant in 8397 by 'travelling on'; from the meaning of 'the assembly of the children of Israel' as those who belong to the spiritual Church, dealt with in 7843; from the meaning of 'the wilderness' as a state when temptations have to be undergone, dealt with in 8098; and from the meaning of 'Sin' as the essential nature of the state since names hold within them the entire nature of the state of whatever thing they refer to, as has been shown in various places above. As temptation is meant by the grumbling over the lack of bread and flesh, and as the comfort received after that is meant by the manna and selav, the meaning of 'Sin' is clear, namely good that is the product of truth. In the contrary sense therefore 'Sin', a city in Egypt from which the wilderness of Sin took its name, means evil that is a product of falsity. In Ezekiel,

I will pour out My wrath onto Sin, the strength of Egypt, and I will cut off the multitude of No; and I will send fire on Egypt. Sin will suffer great pain, and No will be breached, and Noph by enemies daily The young men of Aven and Pi Beseth will fall by the sword, and those [cities] will go away into captivity. And in Tehaphnehes the day will be darkened, when I break the yokes of Egypt there. Ezek 30:15-18.

[2] The subject here is those in possession of known facts, who use them to hatch falsities that give rise to evils. 'Egypt' here is factual knowledge, 'Sin' is evil that arises from falsity, and 'No' is falsity that gives rise to evil. Anyone may recognize, solely from the consideration that it is the Divine Word, that a deeper meaning lies here than that visible in the letter. Without the deeper meaning within it, it would contain scarcely any intelligible meaning, never mind a meaning with a holy content. From this it is plainly evident that the names appearing in it are descriptive of real things, and that these provide a general meaning that befits the Word which comes from Jehovah. Anyone who accepts that the Word is Divine cannot possibly deny this, so long as he is willing to think rationally or to draw conclusions with an understanding that has been somewhat enlightened.

Latin(1748-1756) 8398

8398. `Et venerunt omnis coetus filiorum Israelis ad desertum Sin': quod significet ad statum alium tentationis, constat ex significatione `venire' quod sit statio successivi quod per `proficisci' n. (x)8397 significatur, ex significatione `coetus filiorum Israelis' quod sint qui ab Ecclesia spirituali, de qua n. 7843, ex significatione `deserti' quod sit status subeundi tentationes, de qua n. 8098, et ex significatione `Sin' quod sit quale illius status, nomina enim includunt omne quale status rei, de qua agitur, ut supra passim ostensum. Ex tentatione {1} quae significatur per murmurationem propter defectum panis et carnis, et ex consolatione dein, quae significatur per `mannam' et `selav,' constare potest quid `Sin' significat, quod nempe bonum quod ex vero; inde Sin, quae urbs Aegypti a qua desertum Sin nomen accepit, in opposito sensu significat malum quod ex falso: apud Ezechielem, Effundam excandescentiam Meam super Sin robur Aegypti, et exscindam multitudinem No; et dabo ignem in Aegypto; dolendo dolebit Sin, et No erit ad perrumpendum, et Noph hostibus quotidie; juvenes Aven et (x)Pi-Beseth gladio cadent, et illae in captivitatem abibunt; et in (x)Thechapneches obtenebratus dies erit, quando fregero ibi juga Aegypti, xxx 15-18;

agitur hic de illis qui in scientificis sunt, et inde excludunt falsa ex 2 quibus mala; `Aegyptus' ibi est scientificum, `Sin' est malum quod ex falso, et `No' est falsum ex quo malum; quod altior hic sensus lateat quam qui in littera exstat, cuivis constare potest solum ex eo quod Verbum Divinum sit; nisi sensus (t)inibi altior, vix aliquis qui capi {2}potest foret, minus sensus in quo sanctum; inde patet manifeste quod nomina ibi sint res, et quod ex illis resultet sensus communis, qui Verbo, quod ex {3}Jehovah, dignus est; qui Verbum agnoscit Divinum, hoc nequaquam negare potest, modo velit ex ratione cogitare, {4}aut ex intellectu (x)aliquantisper illustrato concludere. @1 i illorum$ @2 possit$ @3 Divino$ @4 et$

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